Revisionist gay theology questions 5000 years of Judeo-Christian teaching. How do Christians explain what the Bible says about homosexuality?
The Bible says homosexual behavior is a sin. This resource sets a foundation for biblical sexuality and answers gay revisionist arguments.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able …
Sy Rogers describes how his childhood was marked by devastation and loss, which led to homosexual promiscuity and a brush with transgenderism during his teen and early adult years. He explains how his life has been transformed by God, and offers parents guidance for protecting their children against harmful cultural influences. (Part 2 of 2)
Sy Rogers describes how his childhood was marked by devastation and loss, which led to homosexual promiscuity and a brush with transgenderism during his teen and early adult years. He explains how his life has been transformed by God, and offers parents guidance for protecting their children against harmful cultural influences. (Part 1 of 2)
Offering hope to those struggling with their sexual identity, Walt Heyer and Kathy Grace Duncan discuss their transgender journeys, during which they lived a period of their lives as the opposite gender until God’s restorative power enabled them to transition back to their biological sex. (Part 2 of 2)
Offering hope to those struggling with their sexual identity, Walt Heyer and Kathy Grace Duncan discuss their transgender journeys, during which they lived a period of their lives as the opposite gender until God’s restorative power enabled them to transition back to their biological sex. (Part 1 of 2)
UnderstandingHomosexuality There are many issues regarding sexuality being faced by our culture. Here at Focus on the Family, we care about helping families understand the complexities of sexual attraction and sexual identity labels and how best to address the difficult questions we face each day in the public square and in our own homes. We …
Talking points on God’s created intent for the sexes.
A statement regarding professional therapies for sexual identity concerns.
El récord mundial atlético de Bruce Jenner y la medalla de oro que ganó en los Juegos Olímpicos de 1976 en la competencia de decatlón, lo convirtieron en uno de los deportistas más famosos del mundo.
Created in God’s image and likeness, male and female, our sexuality is a gift from God that we offer back, in love, to Him. Transgenderism violates God’s design.
A Timeline of the History of the Houston HERO Ordinance
The “transgender umbrella” encompasses an ever-growing, ever-changing list of “gender identities” and “gender expressions.” Any “gender identity” may use public accommodations and threaten the safety and privacy of children, women and men.
Focus on the Family offers helpful guidance and ideas for keeping children safe in public restrooms. Parents can be educated and equipped, plan ahead, and act appropriately to deal with “gender identity” policies and laws.
Public accommodations laws now make restrooms, locker rooms and dressing rooms available to all based on “gender identity.” This Focus on the Family series explains how and why all are affected and what parents can do to keep themselves and their children safe.
God created us to reflect His image – male and female. Dr. John Money took the term “gender” and applied it to people. Now, people think of “gender” social construct that is fluid and changeable. Some think there are multiple gender identities.
Do you suspect that your teen is struggling with same-sex attraction? Read about how to respond in a loving and helpful way.
‘Gender Identity’ laws and policies affect everyone. From cities and states to businesses like Target, Macy’s or Planet Hollywood to federal agencies, those with any “gender identity” may use any public accommodations, threatening privacy and safety of others.
Transgenderism is tough enough for adults to understand. So when our children encounter these gender-confusing messages, what do we say?