
A&S 0-3 (Infant/Toddler)



This is

These years are full of firsts – first step, first owie, first words, first real tantrum, millionth dirty diaper. You can do more  than survive. You can thrive.

Baby with mom and dad

Expect. Build. GrowTogether

Your search for parenting advice is easy with this biblically rooted, research-based content. Here are 3 ways to find what you need on your parenting journey:


Sign up to get weekly emails with information that fits your child’s age and stage, and answer relevant questions.


Provide your child’s birth month and we will send a rich, clinical cache of downloadable content designed to inform you for the year ahead.

Additional Resources

On-demand, biblical, practical, and personal tips to build your relationship with your child and model a thriving life with God.

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  • how are babies born

    How Are Babies Born?

    Talking about how a baby is born with your young child can set the stage for future conversations about God’s…

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    Love One Another

    Help kids learning what true, biblical love looks like with these age-appropriate activities.

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    A Written Blessing

    Here is why you should write down your blessing for your children, and how to compose a written blessing to…

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  • Jim Daly Intro to Stages
    Dr. Huerta “What’s So Amazing” (Stage 0-3)
    Dr Patricia Landry “What to Expect” (Stage 0-3)
    Where Do Babies Come From? – Justin & Lindsey Holcomb
    How Can I Teach My Toddler About Gender? – Justin Holcomb
    How Can I Teach My Toddler About Eternity? – Justin & Lindsey Holcomb
    How Can I Teach My Toddler to Appreciate Their Body? – Justin & Lindsey Holcomb
    How Can I Teach My Toddler About Diversity? – Justin & Lindsey Holcomb
    How Can I Teach My Toddler to Trust in God? – Justin & Lindsey Holcomb
    Dr. Hamilton – Baby Whisperer
    Staying Sane While Caring For Your Newborn – Rebecca St. James
    Enjoying Every Moment – Rebecca St. James

by Age & Stage