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Bedtime and Naps: Getting Them to Sleep
Consider these ideas for getting kids to go to bed and stay in bed.
The Value of Family Movie Nights
There are ways to motivate kids toward the ideas of belief, values and character qualities without the use of physical restraints or stern parental glares.
Chores Help Kids Be Successful In Life
Children build their self-confidence through learning small, real life skills.
Finding Purpose After a Loved One’s Suicide
After the death of her oldest, Paulette helped her other children take steps toward finding their own path and moving forward in their grief.
Parenting Videos
Trending in Parenting
Post-Holiday Depression: Do You Feel Depressed After the Holidays?
After the holidays, do you ever feel not like your self or even depressed? Here are some ideas to help you get back to feeling like your normal self.
Teach Kids About Money
Learn what to do to teach your kids about their finances, your giving of allowances and more.
Impaired Driving in Teens: Solutions Start With Love and Education
For parents, few things are as scary as the day we stand in the driveway and watch our teenaged children drive off in a car, alone, for the first time. But more unsettling is the first time they drive away with another teen.
Instill Biblical Principles for Entertainment and Media Choices
The Bible is full of passages to help us navigate the culture. How can you help your children think biblically about topics like entertainment?