
A&S – Super Dad


Your Parenting

to Your Kid’s Needs.

Genuine Love + Wise, Christ-centered Guidance = Superpower Dad! This is a place to get easy-to-access, practical content to help you win at your most important role.

Your Presence in Your Child’s Life MATTERS!

Research Shows Kids with Involved Dads are:

0 %

Less likelihood of being
suspended or expelled from school

0 %

Less likelihood of teen pregnancy

0 %

Less likelihood of jail time

3 Ways to get the Information You Need

Make your search for parenting advice even easier. With a bit of information, we will deliver customized tips to your inbox.


Sign up to get weekly emails with information that fits your child’s age and stage, and answer relevant questions.


Provide your child’s birth month and we will send a rich, clinical cache of downloadable content designed to inform you for the year ahead.

Additional Resources

On-demand, biblical, practical, and personal tips to build your relationship with your child and model a thriving life with God.


Inner Hero!

Get a sense of your dad strengths and areas where you may need to grow. Talk about the constructive feedback you receive to forge deeper connections with your kids.

Take Your Parenting

from Good to

This FREE, reliable assessment helps you develop self-awareness and an initial game plan as you invest in each of your children

7 Traits of Effective Parenting Assessment logo - Focus on the Family resource

Get Your Kids

Sign up and we’ll send interesting, informative, funny, stage-specific conversation starters to your phone once a week!





Don’t Take

Word for it…

You’re not the only dad that has important questions and issues that you need help navigating! Here’s what some others have to say:

Resources for Any Parent at Every Stage