Learn how to stand strong in your faith when the culture attacks it.

What is truth?” That’s the question Pontius Pilate asked during Jesus’ trial, in response to Christ’s statement that “Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice” (John 18:37).

Wherever you look, people are questioning the notion of absolute truth. In our postmodern culture, there is “my truth,” “your truth,” and any number of other “truths,” resulting not in harmony, but in chaos.

Certainly, we can learn things that are true from science, from nature, and from our own experiences. But all of these things must be weighed and measured against the perfect, timeless, and eternal truth of God’s Word. We must remind ourselves, along with the Psalmist, that “the sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever” (Psalm 119:160).

That can be hard to do in a world that constantly tells us that “truth” lies in the eye of the beholder, with no objective way of determining right from wrong. If you and your family feel overwhelmed by this tension, I have good news for you.

We’ve produced a FREE series of short videos called “Awake and Alive to Truth” featuring John L. Cooper, lead singer and bassist for the platinum-selling and Grammy-nominated rock band Skillet and author of the book upon which this series is based, Awake and Alive to Truth. John recently joined us at Focus to talk about his book and to share some helpful tips about how families can tune out the lies of our culture and zero in on what really matters: the life-changing, eternal, unvarnished truth of God as revealed in His Word and in the person of Jesus Christ.

Here is an outline of the episodes you’ll receive access to when you get your FREE video series:

  • Episode 1: “Distortions of Truth by the Devil” (5:06)
  • Episode 2: “The Pollution of Original Sin” (4:24)
  • Episode 3: “Attack on Absolute Truth” (6:01)
  • Episode 4: “Making Your Life and Family Unshakeable” (5:15)

We’re excited to share this resource with you to help strengthen your faith, and your resolve to stand for it when the culture attacks it.

Let us know where to send your free 4-part video series “Awake and Alive to Truth” now:

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Please use between 1-20 characters. Please use only alphabet, apostrophe, hyphen, space and period.