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Equipping Parents to Raise Healthy Kids with a Lasting Faith
Built for Resilience is a new, values-based curriculum designed to help you raise your children with a resilient and thriving Christian faith. Your kids can be faith-filled contributors who transform communities for Christ, and you can help them achieve that through Built for Resilience!
Why Built for Resilience?
According to Barna Group, only 10% of Christian 18-29-year-olds possess resilient faith – faith that includes engagement with church, trust in the authority of the Bible, a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and belief in his crucifixion and resurrection, and a desire to transform the world through their faith.
Built for Resilience incorporates the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets, research-based building blocks which have been proven to increase childhood resiliency and academic achievement. But Built for Resilience also provides an additional five foundational elements found in healthy Christian homes, so you can raise healthy, resilient kids who also have a lasting faith.
Looking for ways to support your teen in building their resilience? Sign up for free parenting coaching sheets.