Focus on the Family ministry logo. Stylized silhouette of young child holding parents' hands

Sharing the Light

Like many boys, Carson likes race cars and airplanes. But his favorite activity is reading his Bible. His family reads it together. And the 10-year-old is trying to read through the whole Bible by himself.

As much as Carson enjoys reading the Bible, he loves sharing it even more. He’s outgoing and enthusiastic about his relationship with Jesus.

“I want to show the Lord’s light to others,” Carson says.

Bible at School
Carson and a few of his friends regularly bring their Bibles to school. But last year when his family received an email from Focus on the Family about Bring Your Bible to School Day, Carson knew that he wanted to get other kids involved.

“I really think it’s important for people to take their Bibles to school,” he says. “America’s founders believed in God and made sure we had religious rights and freedom. It’s good to exercise and practice them.”

He and his brother made cards to tell other students about the event. They put together flyers to hand out and created special T-shirts for the celebration.

When the day finally came, Carson was excited. About 10 kids brought their Bibles to school. They talked to their friends about their faith. Carson’s 6-year-old brother, Sam, had a field trip that day. Instead of carrying around his Bible, he wore his Bring Your Bible to School Day T-shirt. Kids asked about it, and he was able to talk to them about God’s Word.

For Carson, the best part of Bring Your Bible to School Day was his ability to reach his friends who don’t go to church. One particular friend seemed like he didn’t want anything to do with God. But Carson asked him to give the Bible a shot. His friend agreed and took a Bible from Carson. The friend ended up reading the Bible and asking questions about Jesus.

Bible Day Can Be Every Day
Bring Your Bible to School Day was a success for Carson and his friends. But he hopes that the excitement for God’s Word lasts for more than just one day.

“We want to start a student Bible study at school,” Carson says. “I think it would be good to help each other understand.”

Carson wants to be a pastor when he grows up. God is already using him to spread His Word. Some kids have told Carson not to be so open about his faith, but Carson trusts God and continues to be a light.

Bring Your Bible to School Day

Bring Your Bible to School Day
This year Bring Your Bible to School Day takes place on October 6 in the United States.

Sponsored by Focus on the Family, this event makes it easy for you to shine God’s light at your school. Just follow these steps:

1. Have your parents go to to download a free guide. You can also download T-shirt designs, posters, conversation cards and lots more.

2. Talk to an adult leader at school (probably a principal) a couple weeks before the event to let him or her know that you and your friends plan to pass out cards and display posters. You should have the right to take part in this event, as long as you don’t disrupt class or school instruction. But you do have to follow guidelines and be respectful.

3. Get your friends involved. Jesus sent out His disciples in pairs, because there’s strength in numbers.

4. On Thursday, October 6, bring your Bible to school. During free time, be ready to share your favorite verse or read from the Bible with your friends. You may even want to bring a Bible to give away!

By simply bringing your Bible to school, you are helping to protect religious freedoms for other students. So get involved and help classmates know how much God cares about them!

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