25 Days of Prayer


construction paper (red and green)
glitter, stickers, pompoms and other decorations
double stick tape or stapler


1. Using a ruler, mark 12 1-inch strips on red construction paper that are about 8 inches long. Repeat with green construction paper.
2. Cut out all the strips. List the names of 24 people you want to pray for. You could include family members, friends, pastors, neighbors or even specific celebrities, nations and people groups. Write the name of a person on your list on each strip.
3. Decorate the strips with glitter, stickers, pompoms and other decorations.
4. Tape or staple one strip into a loop. Add a second strip of the opposite color and tape or staple into a loop. Repeat until all of the strips have been added.
5. Hang your prayer chain in your room, on the Christmas tree or in a doorway.
6. Starting in December, tear off one strip each day and pray for the person listed. Take time to pray about specific things for the person. (For example: pray for safety, friendship, health or experiencing God during the Christmas season.)
7. When you reach the end of your paper chain on Christmas Eve, pray and thank God for sending His Son, Jesus—the best gift ever!

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