Focus on the Family ministry logo. Stylized silhouette of young child holding parents' hands

Tori’s Story: God, Tryouts and Olivia

“Come on,” Olivia said, “it will be fun.”

“I don’t know,” I said. “I don’t think I can do it.”

“Please,” Olivia pleaded. “It’s not hard, we can practice first. Plus, Connie will be our coach.”

I couldn’t figure out what was so great about soccer. Then again, there’s a first time for everything, so I agreed.

“Fine, but just tryouts,” I said as we ran off to find a soccer ball.

Olivia is a great friend. She helps me when I am not sure where to go or what to do.

Before tryouts, I got an attack of nerves as we were kicking the ball into an empty goal. Olivia took me aside.

“I’m nervous too,” she said. “But I remembered something on the way over. God is in control, wherever we are. So put your trust in Him, OK?”

I nodded. “Thanks, Olivia. That means a lot.”

“Tryouts are starting. Let’s go!” Connie called. She explained how practice would work, then we started doing drills.

“Great work, Tori,” she said. “Good strength and teamwork.”

I smiled and thanked her. Then I watched as Olivia took the field. Despite her nerves, I could tell she did her best.

The next day, Connie posted the roster at Whit’s End. To my astonishment, Olivia and I were both chosen, along with eight other girls. I was so surprised, I stood staring at the list as Olivia squeezed the daylights out of me.

Olivia was right: God was in control.

“Thank you for encouraging me,” I told Olivia. “You’re my best friend.”

She smiled. “You’re welcome, Tori. I am glad to be your friend. And remember, God is your friend too.”

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