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Christy Harmon

Christy Harmon serves as the Program Director of Pregnancy Counseling at Lifeline Children’s Services. She received a Bachelor’s in Communication from Auburn University and a Master of Social Work from the University of Alabama. Throughout her life Christy has been involved in work that serves women in unexpected pregnancies, including volunteer work with organizations that provide education and resources to this population, as well as professionally through several different roles she has held at Lifeline Children’s Services for the past seven years. Her own adoption story fuels her passion for caring for women facing an unexpected pregnancy. She resides in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband and daughter and their family is looking forward to welcoming a baby boy into their family in January!

young birth mother with her newborn baby

Supporting Birth Mothers in Their Journey of Unexpected Pregnancy

When it comes to supporting a birth mother, there is not an “easy” option. Both parenting and adoption come with grief and loss.