
Del Tackett

Del Tackett is the creator behind Focus’ DVD-based curriculum, The Truth Project, and a former Senior Vice President of Focus on the Family. He and his wife, Melissa, have four grown children. Recently, Del has created a new worldview video series titled, The Engagement Project. To learn more about Del, visit

What’s Your View of the World?

Everyone has a worldview, even those who don’t know they have one. But what is a worldview and does it really make a difference in everyday life? In this article, Dr. Del Tackett explores the concept and significance of “worldview” and its relationship to biblical truth.

What’s a Christian Worldview?

A recent nationwide survey completed by the Barna Research Group determined that only 4 percent of Americans had a “biblical” worldview. When George Barna, who has researched cultural trends and the Christian Church since 1984, looked at the “born- aga …

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Living as Salt and Light In Today’s Culture

Every generation of Christians wrestles with big questions. Dr. Del Tackett shares his passion to examine and answer these questions based upon his thorough study of the Scripture, worldview teaching, and his keen insights into today’s culture. He also warns believers about ‘Me-focused’ Christianity and encourages families to engage their neighbors with love and long-term fellowship.

Living in Reality

From the simple to the complex, we misinterpret reality more often that we’d like to admit. Sometimes the stakes are small, but when it comes to worldview questions the stakes are high and faulty beliefs can cost us dearly. That’s why living in reality—the topic of this article—is so important.

Why Is a Christian Worldview Important?

Perhaps you’ve seen the survey conducted by the Barna Research Groups, which determined that only four percent of Americans have a biblical worldview. Even more alarming, only nine percent of born-again believers in America have a Christian worldview. …