
Diane Doering

Diane Doering is the author of Finding Life in the Last Season, a collection of short stories and devotions written to encourage the aged and those who care for them. She is Director of Care Facility Outreach for Friends of the Forgotten, a non-profit to the elderly living in care facilities across the nation, founded by Diane, and her husband, Bob. She is a licensed minister and speaks at retreats and caregiver support groups. Diane has written articles for recreational therapy journals about meeting the spiritual needs of the elderly and Alzheimer’s patients. She has served as a Bible teacher, radio host, worship leader and guest preacher. Diane and Bob reside in Omaha, Neb., and have two grown children. Learn more about Diane and her ministry by visiting

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Reaching Out to the Elderly

Diane Doering and Kay Owen-Larson offer practical suggestions for how your family can help alleviate the loneliness experienced by many residents of elderly care facilities, and share the love of Christ with senior citizens who are often overlooked and forgotten about by society.