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Ed Chinn

Ed Chinn, of Spring Hill, Tennessee, is a writer and speaker. His work has appeared in The Washington Post,, and the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

Woman looking through a quarter-activated binocular system

Walking Through Life With New Eyes

When I read the stories of Jesus’ life on earth, He so often comes across as walking in clear and simple vision.

Worried teen girl sitting on a couch staring off camera, contemplating her troubles with her head resting on her hand.

Fear Not

His words remind us (again) that, by His death, He rescued us from the fear of our death. Therefore we are released from having to “cower through life, scared to death of death.”

Seeing Her With New Eyes

For the first time, I could see her generosity and great kindness reflected in Christ. What kind of jerk would dismiss that?

Grandparents sitting with their friends and grandchildren on the porch of their home

The Power of Your Story

Some people love stories as long as they belong to someone else. They are simply too scandalized by their own life and heritage.

Illustration of Christ’s empty tomb, shown from the inside, looking out the opening to His cross with the sunrise behind

The Power of His Resurrection

The power of His resurrection: A powerful force that can transform us into something larger than ourselves, our family, and our grief.

Middle age man enjoying a walk on a pier

Walking With God in the Afternoon

The messages flowing from many churches tend to suggest that after 40 our gifts and capacities shrivel up and blow away.

Boat sailing under dark sky and stormy clouds

Thriving in Chaotic Times

We are all tempted to believe that deadly tsunamis, bone-chilling temperatures or collapsing stock markets mean things are out of control. That is simply not true.

Career vs. Faith

My mother was rushed to the hospital in labor and seriously ill. Her doctor told Dad that the baby, their first, was already dead and that Mom might not survive. And, just as he predicted, after delivery a nurse came out and confirmed that I was indeed …

Isolated girl is bullied by peers

See The Kingdom of God

In the book, “Same Kind of Different as Me,” a wealthy and beautiful Texan named Deborah Hall is drawn into a magnificent obsession of helping Union Gospel Mission in Fort Worth. Her husband recalls that the first time they visited the rundown facility …

the roof of a church with a cross at the peak

Politics and Government

The city council of a Midwestern town announced the date for the long-awaited and controversial meeting. The council would consider the constitutionality of beginning its sessions with prayer. When that night arrived, the chamber was packed with politi …

Society and Church: Disconnecting Older Persons

Instead of sweeping them away into the little room on the third floor for “Senior Saints” activities, maybe we could honor and celebrate them as true repositories of wisdom.

Refusing the Patterns of Age

If we accept the natural beauty and appropriateness of all life seasons, we will discover that abounding life never diminishes. It burns bright even as we cross over from this life into the next.

Fearlessly Facing the Unknown

Fearlessly Facing the Final Unknown

I can think of no greater pattern or encouragement for those in midlife. The abounding life continues. It started in heaven, came here for a while and ascends right on into a glorious future.

Breaking Free of Midlife Boundaries

Too often, we see the church or other Christian environments as the only place we can serve. We forget how much God loves the world.

Abounding Midlife Living

Despite the dishonest “surround-sound” of our culture, we can walk into the afternoon of life with abounding grace, peace, love, rest and joy.

Close up of orange life buoy resting on edge of boat with seashore in background

Preparing Your ‘Life’ Boat

Once upon a time, people measured their lives in relationship to God, family and other human beings. Today, many of us use things to calculate the value and significance of life.

Close-up of a ship's helm in stormy, rainy weather

Navigating Life’s Storms

In fact, the Bible tells many stories of people caught in storms – political, financial, military and meteorological – who were directed into specific actions that saved their own and many other lives.

Close-up, profile image of a contrite man with his head bowed, his hands clasped in prayer

Learning to Forgive Others

Let’s face it: human beings are messy and hurtful. We don’t mean to be that way, but most of us have caused and received many relational injuries.

Walking in Forgiveness

It could be said that forgiveness is the remission of debt. But, what happens when the one to whom it is owed chooses to forgive it?

Far Horizons of Forgiveness

Our life has been shaped in part by people, groups and ideologies which we will never see or understand.

Close up profile shot of sad mom hugging her crying teen daughter

Forgiveness in the Family

Forgiveness is not holding our nose, squeezing our eyes shut, uttering a prayer and then jumping into a new reality because we believe that is what the Bible commands.

New Eyes

God’s revelation brings a new way of seeing in everyday life.

Viewing Relationships Through New Eyes

The raging narcissism in American society tends to see every human as property. The prevailing cultural view teaches me to measure every person according to their value or their threat to me.

Close up of a man's fist resting on a table, suggesting it's balled up in anger

The Upside and Downside of Anger

Is “righteous anger” ever justified? Know the difference between selfish and selfless anger.

When Your Anger Gets the Best of You

Instead of ignoring our tendencies to show anger, honestly examine your priorities, repent of it, reject it and walk away from it.

Living With a Killer

Do we have the tools, the skills, and the patience to help build a renaissance of fatherhood? Read on to discover what this wife, mother — and family court judge — thinks.

Changing an Angry Spirit

When anger grips us, look for ways to re-balance your life; instead of succumbing to its influence, learn to identify clues on how to be a positive and redemptive influence.

Winning the War Against Anger

Winning the War Against Anger

Instead of simply managing our anger, we need to transform ourselves.