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Focus on the Family Issue Analysts

Three people are sitting at a table with their bibles open in study. Gay Activist have used revisionist theology to argue their points. But what did God really say?

Revisionist Gay Theology: Did God Really Say…?

Revisionist gay theology questions 5000 years of Judeo-Christian teaching. How do Christians explain what the Bible says about homosexuality?

What Does the Bible Say about Homosexuality?

The Bible says homosexual behavior is a sin. This resource sets a foundation for biblical sexuality and answers gay revisionist arguments.

Close-up of judge's hands holding a paper, with a gavel in the foreground

Abortion: The Issue

As one of the most controversial and culture-changing issues of our time, abortion affects all Americans – directly or indirectly.

Young man with a backpack standing on a roof looking away from the camera over neighborhood rooftops

Casting God’s Vision for Sex and Sexuality

Talking points on God’s created intent for the sexes.

Transgenderism – Our Position

Created in God’s image and likeness, male and female, our sexuality is a gift from God that we offer back, in love, to Him. Transgenderism violates God’s design.

Homosexuality: Helpful Resources & Downloads

Here are eight helpful resources to help you understand and learn how to respond to homosexuality.

Church steeple

Homosexuality, Theology and the Church

The Bible teaches God’s plan for marriage and sexuality, prohibiting homosexuality. We stand for truth and reach out in love to LGBT-identified people.