Geremy Keeton

Geremy Keeton

Geremy Keeton is the senior director of the counseling services department of Focus on the Family and a licensed marriage and family therapist. He leads Focus’ team of mental health clinicians and pastoral specialists as they serve as safe and trusted guides on a wide range of family-related issues.

talking to kids about masturbation

Talking to Kids About Masturbation

Knowing the larger meaning and purpose of human sexuality helps us talk to our kids about masturbation.


Restoring Trust After Pornography Addiction

Restoring trust in light of your spouse’s pornography addiction

Restoring Trust After a Confession of Pornography Addiction

Healing a marriage after the damage of a pornography addiction is no simple matter. A healthy marriage requires deep commitment from both spouses. And to heal a broken marriage, both must take action.

Counselor confronting husband in office as wife looks on

The Importance of Vulnerability in Fighting Pornography Addiction

You can’t keep hiding. You can’t kick the habit on your own; no one can. If you really want to be free, you’re going to have to open up to others. You’re going to have to learn to be vulnerable.

What You Need to Know About Your Husband’s Porn Confession

Relational problems often get worse before they get better. Some husbands wait weeks after the discovery of porn use before they admit to additional bad behavior. Here’s what wives need to know.