Jerry B. Jenkins

Jerry B. Jenkins

Jerry Jenkins has written more than 200 books with sales of more than 72 million copies, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. He is known for biblical fiction, end-times fiction (the Left Behind series), and many other genres. Jerry assisted Billy Graham with his memoirs and has written numerous other biographies. He’s a member of the Colorado Authors Hall of Fame and serves as chair of the Creative Writing major at Colorado Christian University. He and his wife, Diane, have three grown sons.

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Sharing God’s Love Through Storytelling

Jerry Jenkins shares about his creative writing career and the impact of his books for the Kingdom of God. He talks about the power of The Chosen television show, written by his son Dallas, and their collaboration on a series of novels he is writing based on the show. Jesus used stories to communicate the truth, and Jerry is seeing stories transform hearts and lives today!

Christian Fiction and the Power of Story - young boy surrounded by books, looking up to sky filled with flying books.

Christian Fiction and the Power of Story

Changing lives one novel at a time