
John Moore

John and Terri Moore are the proud and happy parents of seven children that the Lord brought to them through adoption from Los Angeles County Foster Care: Ashley, Chris, Anthony, Brandy, Aruna, Hallie and Emme. John and Terri were very active in the L.A. County foster care/adoption community for 16 years, before relocating their family in 2016 to the Richmond, Virginia area, where they are members of Redeemer Anglican Church.

In addition to promoting foster care and adoption in area churches, they feel a strong call to advocate for the children and families involved.  Terri works full-time and previously served as a CASA and John is a writer and consultant, as well as a regular speaker at foster care and adoption events, including Focus on the Family’s Wait No More events.

What is Family Reunification

What is Family Reunification?

We fell in love with “L” right away. Placed with us at 17 days old, he had the sweetest disposition and the biggest brown eyes. Though his biological mother was struggling, the dependency court gave her a case plan with the goal of family reunific …

A family walking through the woods because they adopted from foster care

Foster to Adopt: What You Should Know

There is a right way to look at foster to adopt and a wrong way.

Am I too old to foster a child in the US?

Too Old to Foster?

How one couple helped a sibling group caught in the foster care system.

worthy of love

Worthy of Love

All children are worthy of love. This is how to help children placed through foster care feel safe, valued, and welcomed into your family.

Smiling dad with his son and three daughters in a park; one daughter is hanging off each of his arms

Father’s Day Challenge

Psalm 68:5-6 says that God is Father to the fatherless and that He sets the lonely in families. As God’s adopted children, it is in our DNA to care for the fatherless as well. Doing so, according to James, constitutes religion that is accepted as pure …

A big family having a meal together at a table outside

Happy Father’s Day, Dad: What He Taught Me

On June 21, we will recognize Father’s Day. For many, whose relationships with their fathers are strained or marked by abuse, or whose fathers are absent from their lives, this will perhaps be a difficult day. For others, who enjoy healthier relationsh …

social worker

Social workers are on the front lines of child welfare

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world in unprecedented ways. Children and families who are either in the foster care system or are at risk of being so, are no exception. COVID-19 has impacted children, biological families, foster families, adopt …

Smiling family posing for a photo in the park

There is a Shortage of Foster Families

“The Crisis in Foster Care” read the Washington Post headline. The article, dated January 10, 2020, talked about “an acute shortage of foster parents.” A simple online search yields numerous links to similar articles in recent years, decrying the short …

family court

How is the Court System Affected by a Pandemic?

The Coronavirus pandemic continues to impact children and families in the child welfare system in numerous ways from initial reporting, parent or sibling visits and even the court system. With schools being closed, many children are not only at risk of …

Kids Foster Care Face Masks

How Coronavirus is Impacting Foster Care and What You Can Do

There are many ways the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic affects, or might affect, children and families who are either in the foster care system or are at risk of being so. The effects of the pandemic might put children at increased risk in ways that might not be so obvious.


The Foster Care System and What You Should Know

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” -Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)

When Adopted Kids Need More Than a Parent’s Love

I remember thinking, All kids need is a little love. Now after adopting six children from foster care, I realize how naïve my words were.