Be a Lifeline for Families in Crisis!

Urgent Need: Right now, many families are drowning in chaos—pulled under by strained marriages, waning faith, and children caught in turbulent currents. Will you become 1 of 1,650 monthly donors needed before 11:59 p.m. on March 31 to deliver life-changing biblical resources? For just $15 a month, you’ll be a lifeline families desperately need in their darkest moments.

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Be a Lifeline!

1,650 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you’d like to give.

Be a Lifeline!

Deliver life-changing biblical resources to struggling families every month.

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Be a Lifeline!

1,650 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you’d like to give.
Dr. John Trent, president of Strong Families

John Trent

Dr. John Trent is the president of Strong Families, an organization committed to strengthening family relationships. He is also a conference speaker and an award-winning, best-selling author whose recent books include Breaking the Cycle of DivorceHeartshift and Leading from Your Strengths. Dr. Trent holds a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Counseling from North Central Texas Federation of Colleges and Universities. He and his wife, Cindy, have two daughters. Learn more about Dr. Trent by visiting

little girl on her daddy's shoulders smiling at her mom

Loneliness Ends Where The Blessing Begins

The Blessing is something you can choose to give and live out in your home. It is a “choice” parents make to use five distinct elements to impact a child’s life. Each one is way to help a child understand their incredible worth to you, and to their God.

A parent can your child anytime, anyplace

Blessing Your Child

Using the brief overview of the five key elements of the blessing, you can create life-changing moments for your family.

Picturing a Special Future for Your Spouse

Our mate needs to hear positive words that picture a special future in the same way that our children do.

Husband and wife on wedding day

An Active Commitment to Your Mate

What every man or woman owes his or her spouse is the willingness to stay committed, even if the other person fumbles the ball.

silhouette of couples sitting by a tree

A Spoken Message/Attaching High Value to a Spouse

When we decide to place high value on our spouse, and then back that up with spoken words, it can do wonders for a relationship.

A man and a woman sit together intimately, gazing into each other's eyes. An emotional word picture simultaneously activates the emotions and intellect of the listener. It can go straight to your spouse's heart.

How to Create Emotional Word Pictures

An emotional word picture is a tool that simultaneously activates the emotions and intellect of the listener. When you use a word picture to communicate, it can go straight into your spouse’s heart.

creating security in difficult times begins with being honest with your children. Father having a heart to heart talk with his little girl sitting on the couch

Creating Security in Difficult Times

Being honest with our children is important. Even in stressful times, it can build trust. Developing an understanding of your family’s unique fears and stresses can benefit your ability to cultivate security.


4 Animals Personality Test

You can take the 4 animals personality test in a few minutes. The goal is to give you a picture of your and your spouse’s unique, God-given strengths.

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Finding Real Purpose in Your Life (Part 2 of 2)

Dr. John Trent and his daughter, Kari Trent Stageberg, provide strategies for moving toward health, freedom, and life. They talk about Biblical truths that can lead Christ followers to a more positive future, as they share their helpful framework for overcoming past pain and challenges. (Part 2 of 2)

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Finding Real Purpose in Your Life (Part 1 of 2)

Dr. John Trent and his daughter, Kari Trent Stageberg, provide strategies for moving toward health, freedom, and life. They talk about Biblical truths that can lead Christ followers to a more positive future, as they share their helpful framework for overcoming past pain and challenges. (Part 1 of 2)

6 Ways To Create a Culture of Responsibility With Our Kids

To create a healthy culture of responsibility, it begins with us as parents modeling a willingness to do those small things. Our children will pick up on our actions and will begin to live them out later in life. Watching them do this is in itself a great reward.

Young happy family frolics outdoors in summer

3 Keys for Pastors to Build and Maintain a Strong Family

Here are three “small things” I’d like to share with you. Even if things are going great in your ministry marriage. But especially if you know things could be better.

emotional and relational skills

5 Emotional and Relational Intelligence Skills

Emotional and relational intelligence is one of the most critical, yet often overlooked, areas of development in our children. These five characteristics can help your child succeed in developing their relational intelligence.

two pairs of feet on escalator going up

How to Stop Fighting: Step Off the Emotional Escalator

You can step onto the down escalator, stop fighting, and return to the issue level, or you can keep moving up to a third level of emotion.

Middle aged African American couple dancing on a rooftop at sunset

Four Ways Couples Can Wake up From Feeling Stuck in Marriage

Consider the following four ways to “wake up” and start moving toward healing if you feel stuck in your marriage, like a repeating bad dream.

Working Parent with two children

The Benefits of the Hardest Job in the World

Marriage and parenting are the hardest jobs you’ll ever have. Here are ways that hard work within that job can actually make life easier.

Family Wearing Masks

Getting Back to Normal: Changing Your Mindset

These 3 steps can help you change your mindset following the COVID-19 pandemic and start getting back to a more normal mindset.

boys and girls playing tug of war together

Understanding and Encouraging Opposite-Sex Friendships

While there are challenges to opposite-gender friendships, there are also genuine benefits if you position your son or daughter to have these types of friendships.

Shown from behind, a smiling couple looking at each other while sitting on a hilltop with a mountain view

Using Word Pictures to Improve Communication Skills With Your Spouse

A biblical tool called “emotional word pictures” can help you improve your communication skills with your spouse. Learn to use this emotional language of love that Jesus modeled for us.

Photo of a married couple holding hands at a wedding ceremony

Encourage Couples to Give and Live the Blessing

This National Marriage Week, author John Trent talks about how to give and live “The Blessing!” to your spouse.

A couple holding hands/

Pastors: Three Ways to Bless Your Wife

This week is National Marriage Week, with Valentine’s Day in the midst of it. It’s a great time to pause, take a breath, and do two things – celebrate marriage itself and Bless your wife.

Teen girl experiencing peer pressure after saying no to her friends.

3 Ways to Help Your Child Deal With Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is real. Help your kids spot peer pressure, gain tools to deal with it, and be strong enough to deal with someone’s reaction to hearing “no.”

A child and his mentor working in a woodshop

Finding A Mentor Who Can Encourage Your Child

Our children need to have great mentors in their life. Here are ways to find a great mentor for your child and how to maintain a great relationship with him or her.

Child displaying empathy and altruism to another child

Six Ways to Help Your Child Live With Empathy and Altruism

It is possible to teach our children how to show empathy and altruism, even in today’s world. We want our children to both feel compassion and have the courage and willingness to step in and help others. If we are intentional as parents in demonstrating empathy and altruism, our children will notice and will learn from our example.

Showing Unconditional Love to Your Children

Showing Unconditional Love to Your Children

Dr. John Trent and his daughter, Kari Trent Stageberg, share the valuable lessons they’ve learned about the importance of being intentional in blessing your children unconditionally.

Shown from behind, four young people standing in a wheat field with their arms around each other's shoulders

Living Out The Blessing with Your Older Children

Blessing our adult children may seem harder than blessing our kids when they are young. However, it’s still vitally important.

Having a family conversation

Conversations to Have With Your Family Right Now

These conversations might be something that your loved ones remember for the rest of their lives. They’ll remember the pandemic, where you were, and what you said to them. Tomorrow is never a guarantee, so have those conversations now.

Holding money

3 Ways to Spend Your Coronavirus Check Wisely

Don’t waste this crisis. Use it to take control of your life. The best place to start is by making a list of what you have and what you need.

Happy young couple holding their two small children standing on a snowy field with mountains in the background

7 Ways to Keep Your Family Close During These Challenging Times

Learning how important it is to value each other’s differences and how to bend towards strength and softness at home can help make your family time even better. With all that in mind, here are several ideas to keep your family close and grow stronger together.

John Trent

Understanding the Two Different Sides of Love

In a discussion based on his book The Two Sides of Love, Dr. John Trent explains the differences between the “hard side” and the “soft side” of love and how they may manifest themselves in your marriage. He offers advice for how you and your spouse can strike a healthy balance between the two sides by developing qualities that you may be lacking.

Close up of a pine cone held in a girl's hands

5 Ways to Get Children Actively Involved in Learning

I can’t remember a day that there wasn’t some kind of “learning lesson” going on in our home. But most of those lessons didn’t involve sitting down and doing homework. Instead, my mom employed active ways to help us learn how to learn.

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Harnessing the Power of Word Pictures

Greg Smalley and John Trent explain how spouses and parents can avoid miscommunication and conflict by using “word pictures,” which are simple metaphors to help clarify thoughts and feelings. The discussion is based on a book by John and Greg’s father, Gary Smalley, titled The Language of Love: The Secret to Being Instantly Understood.

Course Correction

When you quit making small adjustments in your relationship, you head toward serious trouble. But small changes can become powerful tools for moving a couple back toward caring, closeness and healing.

A mom looks into the eyes of her young son

Blessing Your Children

When you bless your children, you reinforcing your children’s worth.

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Passing Along a Blessing to Your Children

Dr. John Trent explains the concept of the biblical blessing and why receiving that blessing helps children thrive. Our guest also offers parents practical suggestions for bestowing blessings on their kids. 

A Written Blessing

Here is why you should write down your blessing for your children, and how to compose a written blessing to affirm them.

Launching Your Child’s Faith: Too Hard or Too Scary?

Take a look at seven common faith-launching worries parents face.

Launching Your Child’s Faith: What’s the Rush?

Now is the time for you to realize the incredible impact you can have on your child, helping him or her come to Christ and grow in that relationship.

woman's hand resting on man's hand with wedding bands

Meaningful Touch in Marriage

The same need for meaningful touching we see with our children is equally important in a marriage.

Giving the Blessing to Your Spouse

The five elements of the blessing are not just limited to the parent/child relationship. Let’s look at how the blessing can and should be given to a spouse.