Be a Lifeline for Families in Crisis!

Urgent Need: Right now, many families are drowning in chaos—pulled under by strained marriages, waning faith, and children caught in turbulent currents. Will you become 1 of 1,604 monthly donors needed before 11:59 p.m. on March 31 to deliver life-changing biblical resources? For just $15 a month, you’ll be a lifeline families desperately need in their darkest moments.

1,650 donors still needed!

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Be a Lifeline!

1,604 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you’d like to give.

Be a Lifeline!

Deliver life-changing biblical resources to struggling families every month.

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Be a Lifeline!

1,604 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you’d like to give.

Kay Owen-Larson

Kay Owen-Larson is the co-founder and president of Crossroads Ministries and the founder of the Crossroads School of Chaplaincy. She is an ordained minister with more than 50 years of experience in Christian ministry. Kay has served as a pastor, teacher, counselor and conference speaker. She and her husband, Marvin, have been married for three years. Together, they have 10 children, 25 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

America’s Elderly: The Forgotten Generation

Many residents in America’s care centers never have visitors – not from family, friends, clergy or anyone from a church.

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Reaching Out to the Elderly

Diane Doering and Kay Owen-Larson offer practical suggestions for how your family can help alleviate the loneliness experienced by many residents of elderly care facilities, and share the love of Christ with senior citizens who are often overlooked and forgotten about by society.