
Kelly Rosati

Kelly Rosati was the Focus on the Family Vice President of Advocacy for Children, where she served as the ministry spokesperson on child advocacy issues. She oversaw efforts that include the Foster Care & Adoption program, Option Ultrasound and community care outreach. Prior to joining Focus, Kelly served as the executive director of Hawaii Family Forum where she advocated for Hawaii’s children and families in the legislature and media. She is a frequent public speaker on the topics of the sanctity of human life and adoption and orphan care, and has been featured in various media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Denver Post and New York Daily News. Kelly and her husband have four children.

Family photo of Kelly Rosati

A Clear Calling

The Rosatis discovered there were plenty of kids in need of families right in their community.

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

Making a Difference for Life in 2018

March for Life President Jeanne Mancini and Focus on the Family Vice President Kelly Rosati share their passion for fighting to preserve the sanctity of human life in our culture, and inform listeners about the upcoming 2018 March for Life and Evangelicals for Life conference in our nation’s capitol.

Sad young man sitting on a floor against a wall with his head down

When a Child Has Mental Illness

Three of our four children deal with mental illness. We face it day by day, but we have no answers. No guarantees. Nothing to assure us that everything will turn out OK.

Kelly Rosati: Embracing Life

How my journey taught me to value the dignity and worth of every person

A Heart for Orphans

From providing the basic necessities of food and water to dramatic life changes like foster care or adoption, each of us can live out God’s command to care for orphans.

a photo of a doctor evaluating a women

The Sanctity of Human Life: How We Help

Focus on the Family believes that all human beings are created by God in His image, and that we are called to value every life. Here are some of the ways we do that, including Option Ultrasound.

Why Churches are the Key to Addressing America’s Foster Care Crisis

In churches and ministries across the United States, evangelicals have responded to Scripture’s command to care for displaced children like never before.

Home at Last – Forever

One family’s story of adoption through foster care.

The Sanctity of Life and the Goodness of God

There are risks when we declare our pro-life intentions – and costs. But there are plenty of rewards, too, like love and purpose and the goodness of God.

Four generations of women - a grandmother, daughter, granddaughter and baby great granddaughter – standing in a flower field

In the Image of God: Why We Are Pro-Life

Focus on the Family’s comprehensive view of human life is based on the idea that each human being – born and preborn – is created in the image of God (the imago dei). 

The Struggle to Reach Normal After an Adoption

Adoption expectations—and unfortunate truths—can reveal our weakness and His power.

Focus on the Family Broadcast logo

The Drop Box: Saving Babies, Changing Lives

Film producer Brian Ivie and Focus on the Family’s Kelly Rosati discuss the upcoming movie The Drop Box, a moving documentary about a South Korean pastor who has rescued hundreds of abandoned babies, many of whom have disabilities.

Wait No More: A Foster-Care Adoption Story

One family’s amazing adoption journey – one that would change their lives forever.

Adoption Day At Last

The Rosatis learn about Daniel’s past and finally have their day in family court.

Practice Makes … Parenting

A little boy with an uncertain future needs a ‘forever family.’

Beginning the Adoption Process

Qualifying as adoptive parents is a lengthy process, but it will help prepare your family for what lies ahead.

Attachment Problems, Up Close and Personal

Children in foster care don’t always get the best start in life.

An ‘At-Risk’ Adoption

Dealing with the uncertainties and delays of the adoption process.

Young, stressed-out mom leaning against a crib with her newborn lying there crying

Foster Parenting Isn’t So Easy

Physical and occupational therapy become a part of everyday life.