Be a Lifeline for Families in Crisis!

Urgent Need: Right now, many families are drowning in chaos—pulled under by strained marriages, waning faith, and children caught in turbulent currents. Will you become 1 of 1,604 monthly donors needed before 11:59 p.m. on March 31 to deliver life-changing biblical resources? For just $15 a month, you’ll be a lifeline families desperately need in their darkest moments.

1,650 donors still needed!

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Be a Lifeline!

1,604 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you’d like to give.

Be a Lifeline!

Deliver life-changing biblical resources to struggling families every month.

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Be a Lifeline!

1,604 donors still needed! Choose the monthly amount you’d like to give.
Kevin Enders

Kevin Enders

Kevin is a foster and adoptive father through 4KIDS and has been involved with 4KIDS since 2007. He joined the 4KIDS team as President in 2017 and is committed to using his passion and drive for the 4KIDS mission. He has a deep personal love and compassion for the forgotten children.

How to Help Transition Aged-Out Foster Youth

The realities for youth aging …

Foster child thinking

How Long Do Kids Stay in Foster Care?

Learning about the foster care system can seem like a daunting task. Where should you start? The best place to begin is with the journey of a child in foster care.