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Lainey La Shay

Lainey La Shay is a writer who shines a light on the deep issues of life and relationships. She works to educate others about domestic violence and to assist survivors. Lainey is the author of More than a Survivor: A Devotional and Journal for Those Healing from Trauma and Abuse. Learn more at

Young woman upset looking at her laptop screen seeing that her daughter is being cyberbullying

10 Things to Know About Bullying and Cyberbullying

No matter what form bullying or cyberbullying takes, it happens far too often and can have damaging effects.

you are enough.

You Are (Not) Enough: Finding Self-Worth in Christ

It’s our nature to look for our identity out there, but our true identity can only come from being in Christ.

Child holding bowl repaired by kintsugi

Beauty in the Brokenness: How God Restores Our Hearts

Kintsugi is the art of repairing something that has been broken with gold, with the understanding that the object is more beautiful because it has been broken. Like the art of kintsugi, God repairs the brokenness in our lives and makes us more beautiful through the process.

Father hugging his adult son, who is deconstructing his Christian faith

What to do When Your Adult Child Is Deconstructing Their Faith

When your adult child has rejected the faith he or she was raised in, as a parent it’s easy to feel helpless.

dating violence

Dating Violence: Know the Signs

50% of females and 35% of males reported that they had abused or been violent toward their partner.

young woman in tears after experiencing domestic abuse.

Is This Domestic Abuse?

Domestic violence is never acceptable. While marriage is sacred, abuse violates God’s intended purpose.

Astrology, teenage girl looking into the glow of a phone with Zodiac ring of symbols illuminating.

Why Has Astrology Become So Popular With Teens?

Astrology has saturated social media, teens are drawn to it believing it is harmless.

Should I Stay in My Abusive Marriage for the Kids?

Abusive marriages like Emma’s are more common than many realize. God’s plan for a family never included abuse.

domestic violence awareness

Step Up, Speak Up: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic violence awareness is critical. It’s not a comfortable topic to talk about, and it’s a heartbreaking reality to face.