
Lynne Thompson

Lynne Thompson is a public speaker and a writer who has published more than 300 magazine articles. She is also author of The Official Soccer Mom Devotional and a contributing author to several books including Chicken Soup to Inspire a Woman’s Soul and Stories from a Soldier’s Heart. Lynne is regularly featured on Focus on the Family’s Weekend Magazine broadcast as “The Soccer Mom.” She and her husband, Pete, reside in California with their two kids.

Smiling African-American family with mom, dad, and two young kids sitting on their couch, reading a Bible

Draw Your Children Into the Bible

Our task is not only scriptural instruction but also role modeling.

Making an Impact in the Workplace

Peter C. Wagner warns that although there are several opportunities for Christians to stand out in the workplace, it’s important that it’s not done in weird ways.

Learning the Bible

Help kids ages 4-7 learn God’s Word

Young couple looking at each other through a window

Living a High Definition, Transparent Marriage

Oftentimes couples try to keep their spouses in the dark when it comes to their mistakes, justifying that it’s not that big of a deal.

Close up of young couple holding hands which are also holding a Bible together. The couple's heads are not shown.

Taking Off Our ‘Happy Faces’ at Church

If you’re not interested in being honest and sharing your struggles you might as well go join a club. Why join a church at all?

Creating a High Definition Home

David was freed from his torment when he finally refrained from “covering up his iniquity‚” and gave into a life of transparency before God and man.

Making the Bible Fun

How to reach children ages 0-3 with God’s Word

Living in High Definition

We feel trapped, desiring a confidante, yet terrified that honesty will cause those we value to permanently lock us out of their life.

toddlers and sexual discovery

How to Respond to Toddlers and Their Sexual Discovery

Your toddler’s new sexual discoveries are fueled by age-appropriate curiosity. For toddlers, this exploration is normal. However, you now have an opportunity to create a healthy foundation for biblical sexuality in your toddler’s future.


Sippy cups, playgroups and lots of energy — welcome to the world of toddlers, where everyday is an adventure!

Toddler Misbehavior

Is your little angel having a bad day? It’s important to pick the right solution for restoring heavenly peace.

It’s all Fun and Games

Is your child Bob the Builder or Dora the Explorer? Here’s your chance to find out your toddler’s play style.

When No One Is Wrong: A Response to the Interfaith Movement

“Interfaith dialogue” is a pluralistic attempt to find common ground in the values and goals of various religions. Is this something evangelicals should pursue?

Getting Toddlers to Sleep

Having trouble getting your toddler down to sleep? Here are some ideas for making the bedtime experience less stressful.

Potty Training

How do you get your toddler over this frustrating step?

Steps to Financial Freedom in the Single Parent Home

Finances can be especially tricky for single parents. Here are a few steps to lead you down the path to financial harmony.

Teaching Your Teen Money Management

Help your teen download the facts about spending money—before they leave home.

Story: Reconciling Budget Differences

Scott was a money saver. Tiffany was a weekend spender. Can marriage survive a financial tug of war? How one couple worked through their financial differences.

Money Tips From God

Money Tips From God

If God gave out advice about money would you listen? Here are a few ideas you may want to add to your tip sheet.

Achieving Financial Harmony

With credit card debt at an all time high, property values plummeting, and consumer costs skyrocketing, is financial harmony even possible?

Twenty dollar bill trapped in a mousetrap

Money Traps

Are you falling into a financial trap? You may be losing money where you least expect it. See if you can escape these common money mistakes.

Smiling African-American family seated at the dinner table, saying grace

Give Thanks

Age-specific ways to help your kids experience the meaning behind the celebration on Thanksgiving Day.

Plagued by Senior Moments?

So you just put the ice cream in the vegetable keeper. Don’t panic; it’s probably just your brain downshifting to middle age.

Hope for the Separated

Now that one million marriages fail each year, the term separation often equates divorce. Christians are called to change that equation.

Close up of young girl against a white background. She's looking into the camera angrily, her arms folded across her chest.

Anger Busters for Kids

Here are eight ideas to calm your child.