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Michelle Habel

Michelle Habel is a licensed professional counselor candidate and has been providing therapeutic services to couples and adults since 2015.

A couple sits on a couch in verbal conflict. they can build a healthy marriage with authentic communication.

How to Build a Healthy Marriage With Authentic Communication

An affair, pornography addiction and trying to please everyone without caring for self. How could Karen and Bill sort out all of their issues and build a healthy marriage with authentic communication?

How to Overcome Porn Addiction and Restore Relationships

Forgiving a pornography user too quickly can hinder recovery because it avoids the problem. Bravely acknowledging the emotions associated with betrayal is imperative to the true forgiveness process.

A Porn Addict’s Wife: Feeling Inadequate and Unwanted

Karen was raised in a dysfunctional home where family members did not discuss issues. But as painful as talking about her husband’s use of pornography was, Karen simply could not ignore it.