
Mo Aiken

Mo (Isom) Aiken is a New York Times bestselling author, a nationally sought-after speaker, and a powerful voice rising up for her generation. Her three books Wreck My Life: Journeying from Broken to Bold and Sex, Jesus, and the Conversations the Church Forgot and Fully Known: An Invitation to True Intimacy with God have reached tens of thousands of people worldwide. She is a wife to Jeremiah, and a mother to two spunky daughters and two feisty sons. Their family lives fully mobilized on mission for the Gospel in a 5th wheel RV in a ministry known as 5th Wheel Missions. Learn more about Mo as or on Instagram @moisom and @5thWheelMissions.

A man and woman with their heads together, holding hands, and seeking spiritual unity in their marriage.

Spiritual Unity: How I Built Trust in My Marriage

Unity may not be synonymous with ease. And it may not always look like agreement. But you can cultivate true unity and spiritual intimacy in your marriage with a decided abundance of trust.

woman with dark hair staring into distance looking sad or anxious

Women Addicted to Porn: God Wants to Set You Free

God wants to heal women addicted to porn, just as he did with me. He wants the best for you and your marriage. Here’s what you should know.