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Roberta Rand Caponey

Roberta Rand Caponey is Senior Editor at Family Life Communications in Tucson, Ariz. She is formerly Online Editor of Focus Over 50.

adult son and father talking and walking together with the father's hand on his son's shoulder

When Adult Children Move Back Home

Just when you thought it was safe to enjoy your newly empty nest, your adult child decides to move back in. Here’s how parents and grown children can work together to make the experience a positive one.

Angry woman scolding an elderly man who appears a little fearful and defensive. This is elder abuse.

Elder Abuse: Recognizing and Preventing

Studies by the American Public Human Services Association found that nearly half a million people were victims of elder abuse in their homes.

Fun Online Communication With Grandkids

Snail mail is a thing of the past. If you want to keep long-distance communication with your grandkids alive, think about learning the basics of online chat.

Older married couple enjoying time together


Part of the Adjusting to Change Series Aging Four Steps to Growing Older Gracefully Getting Positive About Midlife Changes Depression and Suicide in the Elderly A Spiritual Rx for Healthy Mind and Body Series About: Life Transitions To everything there …

Excavating Memories

Excavating Memories

“Picking the brains” of older generations can yield incalculable insights into generational patterns; what makes us who we are today in the present time.

Depression and Suicide in the Elderly

Old age is one of life’s thresholds that few of us in midlife are emotionally and psychologically prepared for.

Getting Positive About Midlife Changes

Our culture may worship youth and beauty, but the Bible reminds us that physical beauty is not what matters. Women in midlife can reject negativity and learn to make peace with the aging process

Responding in Love to an Adult Gay Child

You may feel hurt by your child’s decision to “come out.” But remember, this is not something they have done “to” you.