
Ruth Graham

Ruth Graham is the author of ten books including the best-selling, In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart and the award-winning Step into the Bible. And her latest, Transforming Loneliness, Deepening Your relationship with God and Others When You Feel Alone. As the third child of Ruth and Billy Graham she has her own unique voice addressing critical issues of the 21st Century: the struggle of forgiveness, the value of doubt, loneliness, being single in a couple’s world. Ruth has 3 grown children and 8 grandchildren. She lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.

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How Loneliness Can Draw You Closer to Jesus (Part 2 of 2)

Loneliness is like an ache and often we feel ashamed to admit that we feel lonely. Ruth Graham shares national statistics about how half of American adults feel lonely, and how loneliness can affect us emotionally and physiologically. (Part 2 of 2)

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How Loneliness Can Draw You Closer to Jesus (Part 1 of 2)

Loneliness is like an ache and often we feel ashamed to admit that we feel lonely. Ruth Graham shares national statistics about how half of American adults feel lonely, and how loneliness can affect us emotionally and physiologically. (Part 1 of 2)