Headshot of Tim Elmore

Tim Elmore

Tim Elmore is a best-selling author, an international speaker and the president of Growing Leaders, an organization that helps develop emerging leaders under the philosophy that each child is born with leadership qualities. Tim’s books include HabitudesArtificial Maturity and Nurturing the Leader Within Your Child. He and his wife, Pam, reside in Atlanta with their two children. Learn more about Tim and the Growing Leaders organization by visiting their website.

A father is protecting, talking to. and comforting his young son by holding him close on the steps. Protecting and overprotecting your child are different actions.

Are You Over Protecting Your Child?

There is a balance in protecting our kids from harm and giving them the freedom to fail, struggle, and the skills to succeed.

Focus on the Family Broadcast

Avoiding the Common Mistakes of Parenting (Part 2 of 2)

Best-selling author Tim Elmore offers insights about common parental mistakes and explains how parents can train their kids to be strong, healthy and ready for adulthood. (Part 2 of 2)

Focus on the Family Broadcast

Avoiding the Common Mistakes of Parenting (Part 1 of 2)

Best-selling author Tim Elmore offers insights about common parental mistakes and explains how parents can train their kids to be strong, healthy and ready for adulthood. (Part 1 of 2)

Mom, dad, and two kids out for a bike ride. Dad is stopped in the foreground, posing and smiling for the camera.

From Helicopter Parent to Lighthouse Parent

Are you doing a better job of protecting your kids from the world instead of preparing them to live in it? Don’t view their struggles as a negative. Instead, help them take appropriate risks now so they learn how to trust God and lean on Him as they mature.