Tom Rawlings

Tom Rawlings

Tom Rawlings is an attorney at Taylor English Duma, LLP, in Atlanta, Georgia. Tom is a board-certified child welfare law specialist and serves as General Counsel of Fostering Impact, a nonprofit providing support to families caring for children in foster care. He publishes a weekly newsletter on child welfare issues.

4 Things to Know About Kinship Care

4 Things to Know About Kinship Care

A fast-growing area of foster care policy is “kinship care,” when extended family members step up to take care of children at risk of going into the system. Part of the boom in kinship care is because official federal policy encourages states to find k …

Foster Care to Adoption

Foster Care to Adoption: 5 Questions to Consider

If you’re hoping to adopt a child, becoming a foster parent is often a great way to bring into your home a child who may, under the right circumstances, become a part of your family. Each year, around 50,000 children are adopted from foster care, and t …