Dr. W. David Hager

Dr. W. David Hager

Dr. W. David Hager is a gynecologist with Baptist Health Medical Group Women’s Care in Lexington, Kentucky. His clinical concentration includes gynecologic infectious diseases and robotic surgery, and he currently serves on the infection control committee and ethics committee of his hospital. Prior to specializing solely in gynecology, Dr. Hager practiced obstetrics for 25 years. He has served with the CDC and as a member of the FDA’s Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs in Women. Dr. Hager has been a member of the Physicians Resource Council of Focus on the Family since 1994.

Grieving person sitting against wall

Coping With Suicide in Families

When a person dies by suicide, the family and friends who survive them must find ways to cope and continue to honor their life.

Elective Abortion During the Coronavirus

Elective Abortion During the Coronavirus

Drs. David Hager and Bill Lile provide a pro-life perspective on the growing national controversy about whether abortion should be considered essential healthcare during the coronavirus crisis.

What Husbands Need to Know About Menopause

While menopause is natural and normal, husbands and wives are often caught off guard by changes in their marriage relationship. Many husbands become confused by the behavior of their wife in menopause.

Diagnosing Menopause

Menopause is often diagnosed when a middle-aged woman displays classic symptoms of the condition and cessation of menses.

Symptoms of Menopause

Know the symptoms which accompany menopause in midlife.

Treating Menopause

For most women, the benefits of hormone replacement therapy must be weighed with the risks.

Understanding Menopause

There are currently more than 32 million postmenopausal women in the United States. Menopause does not occur at a specific age, although most women go through menopause near midlife.