Today’s culture is not easy to navigate for Christians, and Critical Race Theory is at the forefront. It’s never been more important to understand what ideas are being taught in schools and promoted in the media and entertainment worlds.
Even more importantly, Christian families need to deepen their knowledge of Scripture, so they can share biblical truth with grace and compassion and defend against the lies perpetuated by spiritual darkness.
“Empowering Your Family to Face Critical Race Theory” is a FREE, 5-part video seriesthatwill equip you to know what CRT is and isn’t and how you can respond to what it teaches with confidence and scriptural accuracy.
Here is an outline of the episodes you’ll receive access to when you get your FREE video series:
Episode 1: Critical Race Theory: A World Divided
Episode 2: All Are Created Equal
Episode 3: America’s Struggles With Race
Episode 4: Standing in the Truth As Salt & Light
Episode 5: Overcoming With Confidence
These lessons will help you learn how to talk with your children about CRT and help them stand firm in the Christian faith.
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