Leading parenting expert and pediatrician Dr. Meg Meeker shares about the masculinity crisis in today’s culture and encourages you as a parent to take an active role in guiding and shaping your son’s character. She says the foundation of any boy’s life is built on three things: his relationship with God, his parents, and his …
Os Guinness shares with Jim how America’s freedom is based on the Sinai Revolution of the Hebrews but is collapsing by way of the French Revolution. America is divided on race and other issues. Os describes cultural Marxism and the need for Lincoln-like leadership and a repentant church.
Do you ‘love’ your spouse, almost as an obligation, or do you truly cherish them? Gary Thomas encourages couples to make a daily effort to go beyond the ‘duty’ of love, and combat the natural inclination to drift apart by choosing to see the best in their spouse.
Rich Griffith shares practical advice from his experience as a single Dad of three boys to encourage Christian parents to teach their children to use discernment to navigate the positive and negative influences in their lives.
Based on his newest book Seeing the Supernatural, Lee Strobel explores the Scriptures to see what the Bible has to say about supernatural phenomena, showing that God works in the nonphysical realm.
In this classic Promise Keepers message, Dan and Jane Seaborn take the stage together to provide a fun look at the differences between men and women. Then Dan delivers a serious, passionate message encouraging men to nurture their wives, avoid the dangers of pornography, and commit to staying married for life.
Pastors are often the busiest and most overworked members of the Christian community — and they need our support! Pastor Dave Stone understand these struggles first hand, and his new calling is to encourage and support these ministry leaders with the new Pastor to Pastor podcast from Focus on the Family!
Josh and Katie Walters candidly describe their experiences of slowly rebuilding their marriage and their love for one another after infidelity. They offer practical and godly advice for couples who may feel like giving up on a struggling marriage.
Josh and Katie Walters candidly describe their experiences of slowly rebuilding their marriage and their love for one another after infidelity. They offer practical and godly advice for couples who may feel like giving up on a struggling marriage.
Teen girls and young adult women need a healthy, positive outlook about life, love and their faith. Jessie Minassian offers “big sis” encouragement and insights about practical and godly ways these girls can grow and thrive as the women God made them to be. AND – Jessie’s advice also works for Christians of all ages!
Tyrone Flowers shares his dramatic testimony of experiencing a turbulent childhood that culminated in being shot at age 17, an attack that has left him disabled for life. He describes how he found faith in Christ, forgave his attacker, and found a new purpose in life through ministry to at-risk urban youth.
Over the last few decades, women have risen up as leaders in our culture, and there’s no doubt that their influence will have a lasting impact. Deborah Pegues examines some of the traits that make an effective leader, especially in women. You will be empowered and equipped with enduring strategies that can be applied at …
Research shows the average child sends more than 7 hours per day looking at a screen for entertainment! As a result, Molly DeFrank wants to help parents regain control over the technology their children use, and help cultivate healthier alternatives for the entire family.
Everything has a secret code or password—including your spouse’s heart! For women, that password is security, while it’s success for men. Bill and Pam Farrel dive deep into these two core needs, helping you better understand your spouse and how to relate to him or her. They talk through marriage essentials such as conflict resolution …
Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend or a loved one? Does it seem impossible to forgive that person? In this transparent message, Pastor Phil Waldrep shares how to overcome the natural feelings of denial, bitterness, and a need for vengeance, by embracing biblical forgiveness. The benefits of forgiveness include relief from the …
David and Krista share candidly about Krista’s 10-year battle with an eating disorder which challenged their marriage, family, ministry and faith. Finally, through counseling and intensive Bible study, the Dunhams found freedom and healing.
Jill Garner discusses how we can raise morally courageous children, grounded in truth, and able to stand strong against the many temptations of today’s culture. Her book, StrongHeart, gives practical ways that parents can instill humility, gratitude, other-centeredness, respect, GRIT, and bravery in the heart of their child. Help your child discover all of who …
Lee Strobel explains the importance of praying for the salvation of your loved ones, and persevering in prayer for even the most unlikely converts among your friends and family.
Racial division in America is a messy topic where many fear to tread. Monique Duson, a former African American progressive and Krista Bontrager, a Caucasian conservative, have formed a strong friendship over the years in unusual circumstances. They share how difficult conversations exposed their cultural biases about racial division and how their love and respect …
Dr. Gary Chapman wants to help you have a loving, stable, vibrant family! He describes five biblical characteristics that create a healthy family environment, like an attitude of service, and shares inspirational stories from his own family that you will enjoy (Part 2 of 2)
Dr. Gary Chapman wants to help you have a loving, stable, vibrant family! He describes five biblical characteristics that create a healthy family environment, like an attitude of service, and shares inspirational stories from his own family that you will enjoy (Part 1 of 2)
Leslie Leyland Fields offers encouragement to those who are struggling because of an unplanned pregnancy. She describes her own experiences of becoming unexpectedly pregnant twice during her forties, and how she learned to trust in God’s plans for her and her family.
Pastor Jonathan Pokluda and Lisa Anderson, host of the Boundless Show, discuss the importance of single Christians pursuing dating in godly ways. JP and Lisa also offer insights on how marriage isn’t about living “happily ever after,” but is rather an opportunity to become more like Jesus.
Marriage—even with its challenges—doesn’t have to be hard! Arlene Pellicane looks at four key decisions you can make to strengthen your marriage and make your relationship with your spouse easier. When you establish solid ground rules, give thanks every day, seek to serve each other, and remember to have fun together, you can have a …
Greg Stier believes modern Christians can become radical like Jesus. He shares with us a few challenges on how we can learn to live more like Jesus, putting His words into practice.
Trillia Newbell passionately equips parents to celebrate Black History Month with their children around the dinner table and teach them the power of the gospel to create racial reconciliation.