Lisa Harper: One of the biggest prompts for me to continue to get healthy, continue to just lay it all before Jesus is, I will not have my child shackled by the same shame that kept me bound for decades as a believer.
End of Teaser
John Fuller: That’s Lisa Harper and she’s with us again today on “Focus on the Family” to share her powerful testimony about how God moved her to take various steps of faith. Your host is Focus president and author, Jim Daly and I’m John Fuller.
Jim Daly: John, it is so good to have Lisa back with us and if you missed the discussion last time, get the download. Download the app on your smartphone. That’s the way I listen often and it was a great conversation, just about God’s plan for us and how we need to run in that lane and embrace it. And we’re concentrating on the book of Acts. Lisa’s written a book called Believing Jesus: A Journey Through the Book of Acts. And I can tell you, John, I’ve known Lisa for many years, probably 28 years and when she worked here at Focus on the Family, she led the Renewing the Heart women’s conferences and I think about 200,000 women attended those. I went on a couple of occasions, just to be an onlooker, ’cause—
John: Did your heart get renewed?
Jim: –I’m not a woman. (Laughter) It was powerful.
John: Yeah.
Jim: I mean, these would be audience of 18, 20,000. Dr. Dobson would come out at the end of the event. There was a special chemistry, a Holy Spirit chemistry that would go on at these events. And a lot of hurting women would come and Lisa was so effective at talking about where she was at. She’s also her entire life just been a lot of fun. She’s a bit of a tomboy.
Lisa: Uh-hm.
Jim: And she loves to do outdoors stuff and I can just remember going skiing. Jean and I went skiing with her and other Focus staff members and we just had a hoot. And to see her mature over the years, still single at the age over 50.
Lisa: Sure–
Jim: (Laughter)
Lisa: –52, yeah.
Jim: But it’s been exciting to watch her life blossom and to watch her in that lane for God. Lisa, welcome back to “Focus.”
Lisa: Thank you, Jim. Thank you, John.
Jim: Did anything I say there shock you? Or is that accurate?
Lisa: No, none out of that. (Laughter) Well, I did want to add, John, when he said he came as an onlooker, we actually begged him to come, because when you have 18,000 women, that’s a lot of balloons. You need a few rocks. (Laughter)
Jim: Oh, great. I was rock.
John: Keep Jim as the rock.
Lisa: Yeah, so we had a couple of rocks (Laughter) to just keep us from flying off. But yeah, those were amazing times.
Jim: They were amazing times and—
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: –and the Lord used you in some amazing ways and that’s the bottom line. It’s been wonderful to see God continue to work in your life and last time we did talk about Him cleaning out the basement of your life.
Lisa: Yeah, yeah.
Jim: You briefly mentioned this last time.
Lisa: Uh-hm.
Jim: But you talked about sexual abuse as a child.
Lisa: Right.
Jim: Lisa, so many women in this culture—
Lisa: Right.
Jim: — experience that. It’s a shocking number.
Lisa: That’s right.
Jim: I think it’s maybe 3 out of 4, if I—
Lisa: Uh-hm.
Jim: –remember the statistic correctly.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: How did you manage that emotionally? And how did God pull you out to say, “You’re My daughter.”
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: “These things have happened—
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: –and we’re gonna dust you off—
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: –and we’re gonna get you back on the road.” I mean, that was a multiple years’ long—
Lisa: Oh, yeah.
Jim: –cleaning.
Lisa: Yeah, decades long and I didn’t manage it well, Jim. There was quite a bit of ongoing abuse when I was younger. It happened after my parents divorced. And so, that of course, you know, just wrecks you as a kid, because I thought, you know, there must have been something I did—
Jim: How old—
Lisa: –that caused dad to leave.
Jim: –were you when that occurred?
Lisa: I was 5-years-old when my dad left us for another woman and I loved my dad. My dad has passed away now. He was a gruff follower of Christ, but he was a colorful prodigal when I was a young woman.
And that devastated me that he left and it was a very acrimonious divorce. And I thought, you know, if only I’d been prettier, if only I’d been sweeter, if only I’d used my inside voice more, maybe dad would’ve stayed. So, that already had left me feeling like there must be something wrong with me.
And then some men masquerading as family friends came in and out of our family the next few years and molested my sister and myself. And then because of those places where my heart was already broken, there were other occurrences after adolescence. And then I was actually raped in college. And so, all of those things just for me emotionally, underscored the fact that there was something innately wrong in me.
Jim: Right, you looked inward for—
Lisa: Absolutely.
Jim: –the problem.
Lisa: And you know, a friend of mine says, that’s the difference between shame and guilt. You know, guilt says you’ve done something wrong. Shame says, you are wrong; the wrong’s in you. And I just swallowed that lie hook, line and sinker.
And so, I was raised in a Christian home, grew up on going to Christian camps. I just thought I’m gonna be the best girl I can possibly be and maybe God will tolerate me.
Jim: Can I ask you a gut-wrenchingly honest—
Lisa: Sure.
Jim: –I think question?
Lisa: Yes.
Jim: When you look at all that and the decades now that you have worked on this and you went and got your Master’s Degree in theology.
Lisa: Uh-hm, yeah.
Jim: You’re trying your best. I know you well enough to know that you have tried so hard to walk with the Lord.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: When you look back on it all and all the pain, is it gone? Or do you still suffer the scars?
Lisa: You know what I grieve? I grieve the places where I pretended to connect with God, with other people. But because of the places where I felt so unworthy and so dirty, I didn’t really open the deepest recesses of my heart.
I think (Emotional) one of the biggest prompts for me to continue to get healthy, continue to just lay it all before Jesus is, I will not have my child shackled by the same shame that kept me bound for decades as a believer. And I knew God had saved me. I just didn’t think He liked me very much.
Jim: And Lisa, that’s something I’ve always appreciated about you, is your honesty. And what I mean by that question, what I hear in your answer is it’s not about perfection; it’s about healthy.
Lisa: That’s right.
Jim: And they’re not necessarily one and the same.
Lisa: No.
Jim: Being healthy in Christ doesn’t mean you don’t feel the consequences of sin.
Lisa: Right, absolutely, well you know, the fact that I’m not married and we talked some about single, I would love to be married if that’s God’s will for me. I missed some good godly men in my 20’s and 30’s and even early 40’s because God protected them from me.
Jim: Ah.
Lisa: I relationally was so toxic in intimate relationships, romantic relationships. And of course, most of the men I was drawn to, God protected me from them, ’cause I was very drawn to abusers. So, now people ask me all the time, “Okay, you’re 52, you know, would you like to be married?” Absolutely, if that’s God’s will. But there are consequences to sin and my sin of not trusting God when I was a young woman in romantic relationships, that sin has caused me to be an older single woman and God is not punitive or capricious. He’s a good, good Father. I love that song. He’s a great God. His mercy is immutable. It never waxes and wanes.
But the price I paid as a human is, I kinda missed the window when most people get married. I missed the window of biological motherhood and I’m so grateful I got to adopt, but I brought Missy home the same year I went through menopause. You know, (Laughing) the nice little double portion from Jesus. (Laughter) So there are consequences. That doesn’t mean I don’t look forward to the next 50 years or so, but it’ll look different than had I been healed earlier.
Jim: Well, right, and the reason I’m connecting these dots is because then the Lord does take you on this new journey [of] adoption of Missy from Hairi.
Lisa: Yeah, yeah, from Hairi.
Jim: And let’s get into that. Let’s talk about that. How did it happen? What was laid on your heart to engage in Haiti?
Lisa: Well, as long as I could remember, have wanted to be a mama. And of course, I assumed that would be in the context of havin’ a husband. I would love a baby daddy. But I told you, I got to that point of realizing, okay, let me just pray about this and obviously, best-case scenario would be, you know, my Christian online profile really works and I quit being set up (Laughter) with unemployed men who live in their mother’s basements, not that there’s anything wrong with that. (Laughter) But best-case scenario was, I’d be married and then we’d adopt.
It didn’t happen that way, so, I was like, “Okay, Lord, if there’s a kid who doesn’t have a shot at a mom and dad, you know, and that’s Your will, You open those doors.” So, I was kinda walking slowly, but just goin’, Lord, You shut the doors You want to shut ’em and asked Him, as You want to open ’em.”
I lost two domestic adoptions, so I didn’t have a real narrow framework around adoption. I was just like, any kid that doesn’t have a shot at a mom and a dad. And some friends, after I lost my second adoption, I mean, I felt like I was in the middle of the Interstate and had just been run over by a Mack truck.
Jim: What went wrong, because you’ve referenced that.
Lisa: Yeah, I’m not at liberty to share, because some of the legality around it.
Jim: I mean, it just didn’t happen and you had the attachment already.
Lisa: I had massive attachment to both the little mama and her unborn little girl. I was in it from the git-go. And at the end, it ended very, very ugly and in my opinion, it’s still totally unredemptive. The little mama’s still a prostitute, still on drugs. You know, I had her lined up for rehab. I lost two kids that I loved and I was devastated.
Two weeks after that happened, when I felt my heart was just still bleeding, hemorrhaging, a friend called and she said, “Lisa, we just returned from a mission trip in Haiti.” And she said, “While we were there, one of the moms died of AIDS. She didn’t know she had AIDS, hadn’t been tested, very, very impoverished village. And she said, “She has a 2-year-old little girl named Missy and her little girl has HIV and tuberculosis, cholera, a host of other issues. The doctors in Port au Prince have said, have told her, she’ll die in the next two to three months if somebody, really anybody doesn’t stand in the gap for her. But it’s gonna be really hard. She’s not yet in the system. It’s gonna take a long time and the doctors are telling us it’s very likely that she will die before she ever gets placed. But we remembered you saying you wanted a kid nobody else was standin’ in line for, so would you pray about this?”
Jim: Wow.
Lisa: And I said, “No, I will not pray about this.” I said, “I’ve been praying about this for 30 years. Sign me up.” And I got off the phone and I can still remember where I was standing. I was in a hotel in Dallas with some friends at an event where they’re trying to teach us how to be more effective speakers. (Laughter) And I was with Sheila Walsh. She’s a dear friend of mine and I got off the phone and Sheila came walkin’ up and I had tears streaming down my fact and she went, “What happened?” And Sheila’s like my Scottish big sister.
Jim: Yeah, right. (Chuckling)
Lisa: And she’s ready to take somebody out and I said, “There’s another baby they want to match me with.” And she was like, “Well, what’s the story?” I said, “I don’t know what she looks [like]. All I know is she’s in Haiti and she has HIV and they say she’s about to die.” And I probably shouldn’t say this in “Focus,” but instead of saying, “Hallelujah,” I said a bad word because I thought, good night! I don’t know how to do this. I don’t know how to parent a kid who has HIV, who lives, you know, thousands of miles away, who I won’t get to see much during the process. And what if I don’t attach to her or she doesn’t attach to me? Or how do I handle HIV? I mean, I had a million questions. And it’s like the Lord just said, “Take the next step.”
Jim: Huh.
Lisa: Just do the next right thing and so, you know, there are plenty of times that I felt overwhelmed in the process that took two years to the week. I brought her home Easter week in 2014 and I, again, I don’t have words to tell you what a miracle it’s been in my personal life.
Jim: Lisa, your heart was so tender to the Holy Spirit in that moment, but again, attaching to what we talked about earlier, the abuse that you suffered—
Lisa: Uh-hm, uh-hm.
Jim: –in many people’s experience, it might have been that voice of the enemy saying, “You’re not good enough.”
Lisa: Oh, yeah.
Jim: “How could you do this? Look what’s happened to you.”
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: “Look at the person you were.”
Lisa: That’s right.
Jim: How did you overcome those voices to say, okay.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: I don’t know what I’m doing, but I am gonna—
Lisa: I’m gonna do it.
Jim: –do what the Holy Spirit did and take the next step.
Lisa: One step at a time, because then for me, there wasn’t this moment when all of a sudden all the voices receded and all I heard was the voice of God. I cannot tell you how often I still get naysayers. The other day somebody threw a Coke can at Missy and I and called her the N word, because my child has the correct amount of melanin in her beautiful brown skin from Haiti. And so, we still get voices that were prompted by the enemy on a pretty regular basis. I still have Christians who go, “Do you really think it was right that you adopted her? ‘Cause you know, you’re old and white and single?” I get that on a regular basis.
Jim: Boy and you look at that, the difference for Missy was life or death.
Lisa: The difference for Missy was life or death and you know, Jim, there [are] times that I’ll look at her and I’ll go, “You know, Lord, it doesn’t escape me that You gave me a kid who by all rights, by all logic, should have massive insecurity, massive issues of worth and shame and instead, I’ve got this really secure, joyful, happy, she knows she’s loved kid.” And I think God continues to teach me that, that’s what I should have looked like at 6. Now He’s restoring it—
Jim: Oh, man.
Lisa: –but it has been the sweetest thing to go, “Wow! That’s what freedom looks like. That’s what love [looks like]; she knows she’s loved.” She absolutely knows she’s loved.
Jim: That’s powerful.
Lisa: And so, yeah, it’s been a really cool story. You know, I still hope maybe I’ll have a husband and she’ll have a dad, so you know, 1-800-588, please call Lisa for a date. (Laughter). You know.
Jim: 1-800-588, please call—
Jim and Lisa: –Lisa for a date.
Lisa: You know, God starts at impossible. It’s still possible.
Jim: Somebody’s dialing that number right now, you realize.
Lisa: Yeah, and I betcha. ( Laughter) I betcha I’ve been out with him before and I betcha he lives in his mama’s basement, but (Laughter) you know, and no shame there if you do. But I’m not runnin’ towards marriage. I’m runnin’ toward Jesus and if—
Jim: Wow.
Lisa: –in that process I have the privilege of some man sayin’, “I’ll take her, even though she no longer has a metabolism,” you know. (Laughter) And she doesn’t you know; I have pictures from when I was younger, so I can say (Laughter), “Do you see, I’m this?” you know. (Laughter) But you know, that would be icing on the cake, but I’m pretty fulfilled at this point.
John: Well, we’re enjoying a conversation with Lisa Harper on today’s “Focus on the Family” and she’s written and spoken about so many things. If you need some assistance in your walk with Jesus, call us, 800-A-FAMILY or if you’d like to find out more about her book, stop by our store, And when you make a generous donation of any amount to this not-for-profit ministry, we’ll send a complimentary copy of Lisa’s book, Believing Jesus. Again, that’s at
Jim: How have you fought through some of those logic voices to say, “Okay, Lord, I’m gonna stay on the track when it’s messy?”
Lisa: Yeah, you know, it’s so interesting, because a lot of times people will kind of put the white hat on me of, oh, how kind of you to go adopt this little child with a [problem].” And I’m like, “Oh, like you’re clueless, because I got the long end of the stick.” You know, I was an old woman who (Laughter) struggled with shame and wearing elastic-waist pants and God gave me this amazing kid. And she’s undetectable, Jim. Her HIV is undetectable. There’s no sign of tuberculosis on her lungs. Her CD4 count is higher than mine by the grace of God and modern medicine. So, it really hasn’t been that horribly sober, hard thing that so many people warned me about.
Jim: She came around. I mean, she responded.
Lisa: Just unbelievable so. Now we’ll have hardships along the way. You know, when she goes through adolescence and clues into the fact that I’m old and white, you know, we might (Laughter) have some struggles there. But it has been such a joy ride. It’s Jesus period.
Jim: His grace is sufficient.
Lisa: And that’s the exact thing I have to apply to my life every single day. When I start getting fearful, I mean, the other day I thought, oh, good night, I just had some bills I didn’t expect. And I started to get whiny. I thought, “I sure would like a man to mow my lawn. And it would be nice to have [this and that].” I just turned into a whiny baby.
And it’s like the Lord said, “Am I not the Father to the fatherless and the husband to the husbandless? Do you not trust Me?” And I was like, “Yes, Sir; yes, Sir. I’m sorry.” But it was that fear of, as a single mom, what happens if somethin’ happens to me and there’s nobody to provide for Missy? And I just let that human logic take me down a fearful place and I had to go, okay, I’ve done what I think you said. Like I was feeling myself starting to get anxious.
And it’s like the Lord just kinda grabbed me by the nape of the neck and pulled me backwards and said, “I want you to look at Me. Look in My eyes.” And you know, I make Missy do that and it’s become just commonplace for her now, but when I first brought her home, I’d go, “Look in my eyes, baby. Look in my eyes.” When she meets you this afternoon, Jim, I’ll say, “Look in Mr. Jim’s eyes.” And she’ll look in your eyes. And I’m teaching her that, not just as an issue of respect, but it’s so that she will experience intimacy—
Jim: Wow.
Lisa: –in relationships [and] that she won’t look away.
Jim: You know, you say that. You talk about the power of words.
Lisa: Uh-hm.
Jim: Just this morning with the foster little boy, the 3-year-old, he was at the kitchen table and I grabbed his little cheeks and I looked at him and I mean, I pulled his face into mine and I said, “Look at me. I want you to know, you are a good little boy.”
Lisa: That’s right.
Jim: And even at 3 he smiled.
Lisa: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Jim: It connected with his heart.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: ‘Cause I think in the deepest part of us, we want somebody to be in our corner.
Lisa: And somebody who knows us to be in our corner, Christ.
Jim: Even the ugly stuff.
Lisa: Somebody who’s that close that they’re lookin’ in your eyes. You know, my favorite person in the Old Testament, of all places, it’s Song of Solomon, wouldn’t you know, as a recovering prodigal; I love the Song of Solomon. It is racy; it’s Danielle Steel in the Old Testament in Song of Solomon.
Jim: Danielle Steel of the Old Testament. (Laughing)
Lisa: Yeah, but in chapter 4, verse 9, it says, with one glance of your eyes, you captured my heart. And to me, for us to get that God, the Father, God, our Creator-Redeemer is looking in our eyes and He’s saying with just one glance, “You captured my heart,” changes everything.
So, when, you know, when I first brought Missy home, what we said over and over and over again, every night for months was when I put her to sleep, I’d make her look me in the eyes and I’d say, “Ou très belle. Ou très entèlijan. Ou très bray.” In Creole, that’s “You’re very beautiful; you’re very brave; you’re very intelligent.”
Then I would say, “Mi,” what is it? “Mwen renmen ou.” I love you, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much. And Jesus loves you more. And I mean, Jim, I bet you thousands of times I repeated that. And she got to where she’d go, “Mama, mama,” and she’d hold my hands, ’cause it was like I’m ready for my benediction. And now if I say, “Baby, who loves you?” She’ll go, “Jesus loves me the most and you love me so, so, so, so much.” (Laughter)
She believes it, but you know, I just hammered it over and over and over again. And I feel like that’s what God has had to do with me. I was a much slower learner than Missy. He’s, just you did with your foster child, taken my face in His hands and said, “I love you.”
Jim: Well, that’s what the Lord does with us, isn’t it?
Lisa: That’s right.
Jim: That’s what I heard Him, you know, not rebuking you, but reminding you—
Lisa: Oh yeah.
Jim: –that He’s in your corner.
Lisa: Yeah. well, He’s had to rebuke me, too. (Laughing)
Jim: When we look at that though, when you’re whining and I’ve done my fair share of whining—
Lisa: Right.
Jim: –and He plants that thought or that voice in your heart to say, “Haven’t I been a good Father?”
Lisa: Uh-hm.
Jim: That was what I heard.
Lisa: Uh-hm.
Jim: And there was even this tonal quality to it.
Lisa: Uh-hm.
Jim: I was whining because we were havin’ to make some very difficult decisions here at Focus, you know, after the economic downturn and I had to lay off 300 people over a couple of years.
Lisa: It’s awful, yes.
Jim: And I was up in the middle of the night, 2, 3 in the morning just say[ing]. If only I had a dad.
Lisa: Yeah, sure, right.
Jim: You know, Dr. Dobson talked about how much wisdom he got from his father.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: And I wished, boy, that I had a dad.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: And right in that moment what He spoke in my heart was, “Haven’t I been a good Father?”
Lisa: Yeah, you do.
Jim: But it had like a tonal quality.
Lisa: I know.
Jim: I mean, I went down on my face and I was bawlin’ saying, “Lord, You have been an awesome dad to me.”
Lisa: Yeah, yeah.
Jim: “And I’ll get you through it, don’t worry.” And the point of it is, sometimes I think we as Christians feel like God’s not available for that whiny discussion.
Lisa: That’s right.
Jim: But He is our Father. He can take it.
Lisa: Oh, my, yes.
Jim: He wants to hear your honest heart.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: He doesn’t want the veneer.
Lisa: No.
Jim: He doesn’t want the perfect. He wants to know what’s happening in the basement of your heart.
Lisa: He does. You know, that place and I think it’s either Mark 10 or 11, where Jesus beckons the little children to come to Him. But you know, they’re messy. And so, Peter’s like, “Y’all need to wait. Clean yourselves up.” And Jesus is like, “No, Pete, let ’em pass. I love sticky kids.” And I think if we could just (Laughter) learn to—
Jim: Literally.
Lisa: –run to Him before we clean ourselves up, our lives would be so much sweeter, so much more peaceful, so much—
Jim: Yeah.
Lisa: –less painful.
Jim: Well, and it’s that honesty.
Lisa: Yep.
Jim: And it’s what’s lacking so often for us. We need to be more honest–
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: –and frankly, when we are in the Christian community, we’re less apt to be tagged as hypocrites—
Lisa: That’s right.
Jim: –when we’re more honest about our own struggles—
Lisa: That’s right.
Jim: –our own difficulties and our humanness.
Lisa: That’s right. Well, and I say, you know, you don’t focus on your badness. You focus on His goodness.
Jim: Right.
Lisa: So, part of His goodness is, in my badness, He calls me gorgeous, you know.
Jim: (Laughing) Yeah, right.
Lisa: He blessed the places where I didn’t deserve it, so it’s not let me air all of my dirty laundry. It’s let me, in light of the mistakes that I’ve made, point to the mercy of God.
Jim: You know, Lisa, we have done a lot of insider talk today about—
Lisa: Uh-hm.
Jim: –life with Christ and the book of Acts and the book of Luke and—
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: –being a Gentile writer of those.
Lisa: Yes.
Jim: Some people listening may not even have a relationship with the Lord.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: I mean, our research shows that up about 20 percent of the listenership of “Focus”—
Lisa: Oh, that’s awesome.
Jim: –doesn’t know Christ.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: And I would like for you to speak to them and pray for them.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: If you’re in that spot where you stop in to “Focus on the Family” because you like marriage and parenting advice—
Lisa: Right.
Jim: –but you don’t have a relationship with Christ—
Lisa: Right.
Jim: –last year over 250,000 people made a commitment to Christ through the efforts of Focus on the Family.
Lisa: That’s awesome.
Jim: So, we know you’re there and you’re listening. But I want you to speak directly to them.
Lisa: I’d love to.
Jim: They’re the people that have had that pain like the rest of us.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: But maybe they haven’t found the solution.
Lisa: Yeah.
Jim: Speak to that.
Lisa: Well, first of all, those of you who don’t yet know Jesus, I would like to offer a sincere apology, because in my experience, I have met so, so many precious men and women who don’t believe in Jesus because they’ve been around inauthentic Christians, Christ-followers. And so, I would like to say I’m sorry, sorry for the times we’re religious when we pretend like we have it all together, when we are even unintentionally condescending to you. So, please forgive us for sometimes being absolute idiots.
And then secondly, I’d like to say, just investigate Jesus. You don’t have to go to church to do that. You can simply, you know, while you’re in Starbucks drive-thru, say, “God, if You’re real, please reveal Yourself to me.” And He will; He will reveal Himself to you in such unmistakable ways.
You don’t have to understand the nuances of theology or know how to pronounce anything in the Bible. You just have to turn toward God and say, “I would like the relationship with You if You’re real,” and He will make Himself real to you. He loves you more than you can possibly imagine, more than you’ve probably dared to dream.
Jim: Yeah. Pray for them now.
Lisa: Jesus, thank You for Your promise that You reveal Yourself to us when we seek You with all our hearts. It’s such an amazing promise. But Jesus, I love Your promise in the Old Testament even more when you say, “So great is Your compassion for us, that You reveal Yourself to people who aren’t even seeking You.”
So, Lord for the people listening right now to “Focus on the Family” who are drivin’ or cookin’ or in their office, Lord, I pray that You would make Yourself unmistakable, that Your Holy Spirit would give them eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart that would quicken and think