
Focus on the Family with Jim Daly

Reaching Women in Crisis

Reaching Women in Crisis

Greta Henry, the director of a pregnancy resource center in Illinois, shares inspiring stories of how centers like hers are changing the minds of abortion-seeking moms and saving pre-born babies' lives. Rain Pierce joins the conversation to tell her dramatic story of past domestic violence, drug abuse and God's redemptive power in her life.
Original Air Date: January 24, 2019



Greta Henry: There’s hope for the hopeless and that God – just is such an awesome thing to me is that He will entrust these precious, wounded women to us. Because He doesn’t just want to put them into a place – “Yeah, I’ll get drug-free and all that.” But I mean, there’s so much more…

End of Excerpt

John Fuller: Greta Henry is with us today on Focus on the Family, along with Rain Pierce who will share her very dramatic story of redemption. This is Focus on the Family. Your host is Focus president Jim Daly, and I’m John Fuller.

Jim Daly: John, a few months back I was able to visit with Greta. She asked me to come and speak at the local pregnancy resource clinic, Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center. And it was a great night. I loved doing that. Probably 900, a thousand people there, people that stand for life. And I love it because of the energy, the dynamic of it. And they help so many families, uh, mostly young women who have, you know, hit a tough spot in their lives. And it’s one of the most rewarding experiences that I am able to share here at Focus on the Family. I thought it would be great to have Greta and Rain, who also spoke that evening, to really lift up for the nation what is happening at these pregnancy resource centers every day, and the girls that are being helped every day, and the babies that are being saved every day. And even with our own Option Ultrasound program, I’m pleased to announce we are hitting 425,000 babies saved over the last 15 years. I’m excited about this.

John: That’s tremendous.

Jim: And I’m looking forward to hitting that million mark sometime in the near future. And that is why we’re doing this today. Uh, it beautifully describes the love God has for each one of us and for each of us to do our part and to be there to help those around us. That’s what the Christian faith is all about, to be a voice for the voiceless. And here at Focus on the Family, man, we stand for life. Uh, not that it’s popular, but it’s the right thing to do. Uh, these babies that are growing in these mothers’ wombs need to be protected. They don’t have a voice. That’s what we’re doing.

John: And as you said, Jim, Greta is the director of Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center in Champaign, Illinois, and is also the director of adoptions for the center and oversees their residential program for women. That’s called Merci’s Refuge.

Greta: Yes.

John: And, uh, Rain Pierce completed that program. And they have some really powerful stories to share today.


Jim: They do. Greta and Rain, welcome to Focus on the Family. Thanks for coming!

Rain Pierce: Oh, thank you.

Greta: Thank you.

Jim: I know you’re nervous, but it’s okay. This is a great story. I know what people are about to hear, and I’m excited for them to hear it. And it’s your story, both of you. And Greta, I want to start with you because as we talked when I was with you in Champaign – that sounds funny, but…


Greta: In Champaign.

Jim: When I was there to speak, you shared that evening a little bit of your story. And that too was captivating. Talk about being that mom of that teenage girl that comes and says those words, “Mom, Dad, guess what? I’m pregnant.” That happened to you.

Greta: It did. It did, almost – over 18 years ago.

Jim: First of all, what is that impact like? You know, in our culture today, this is not unusual. It happens. And how you respond in that moment as a mom or dad is so critical. Um, what lessons did you learn in that moment? And maybe what are some of those things you would have wanted to, uh, do over?

Greta: Well, I learned a lot about, you know, um, loving over the pain of what people say. It seems like that, a lot of times, you’re – you’re so concerned about what other people are gonna say, but my love for – and my husband and my love for our daughter was more than anything. And our hearts wanted her so badly to just, you know, really repent and turn her heart towards Jesus. And she did.

Jim: Yeah. And Greta, uh, again, this is gonna touch – literally millions of people will hear this. And there will be parents and there will be girls who will hear this ‘cause they’re in that moment right now. And it’s so important for them to hear your heart in that regard. Parents, um, we can make a big wrong step in this moment…

Greta: Yes.

Jim: …Where it will potentially destroy your relationship with your daughter or maybe your son, you know, depending upon which situation you’re in.

Greta: Yeah.

Jim: And, I mean, very clearly as we get going – I mean, we’re just starting this now, and I know we’re jumping in the deep end of the pool. But what is that advice for those parents? What would you say if you could grab the shoulders of that mom or that dad? Because tonight, they’re gonna get hit with that comment, that their teen daughter’s gonna come home and say, “Mom and Dad, I’m pregnant.” What should they do in that moment, in that very moment?

Greta: Um, definitely what we went through was we loved her. We were shocked. We were loved. We loved her. But we were at the point where we weren’t going to just, “Well, just go ahead and be that way and just, you know…”

Jim: Kind of a conflict?

Greta: Right. Yeah. Instead, we were praying that she would have her heart turned towards the Lord, that God would make a way where there seemed to be no way. And as far as what other people say, we guarded her.

Jim: That’s good.

Greta: We protected her, because a lot of times, Christian people judge so strongly. That’s why abortion a lot of times within the Christian church is so much.

Jim: It’s so high.

Greta: They’re so high. Yeah, it is so high because they don’t wanna have, you know, their Christian brother or sister knowing about the pregnancy. So it’s to love. We love, but we put limits on.

Jim: Yeah. So you had boundaries, but…

Greta: And we had boundaries. We…

Jim: But that idea of expressing love in that moment is what is needed?

Greta: Right.

Jim: Because you have to create an environment where good decision-making can occur. And that really did lead to you being asked about being the director of the clinic…

Greta: Yes.

Jim: …Which I love. And this is a common story around the country with pregnancy resource centers. The women generally that are the executive directors, uh, that are leading them come from a point of pain, right?

Greta: Yeah.

Jim: And that’s your story.

Greta: And I remember, um, I was on the prayer team for, like, 10 years prior to becoming the director.

Jim: For the clinic?

Greta: For the clinic.

Jim: Praying for the girls coming in every day.

Greta: Praying for the girls.

Jim: I think that’s beautiful. It’s just like the Lord to say, “I’m gonna put you in training camp here.”

Greta: Yeah.

Jim: “Pray for this place.”

Greta: And, um – yeah. So it was really – I know, um, Hope Radliffe – and she was the director of the pregnancy center. And I remember the day I ran in there and said, “My daughter’s pregnant, and I don’t know what to do.” And I ran to her.

Jim: Yeah.

Greta: And you know, she ended up, uh, really guiding and leading me.

Jim: And the biggest point there – I want to fill in the blanks here for the folks listening – what are the services that certainly you offer there at the clinic, but generally that women can experience at clinics across the country?

Greta: Well, see, so many women, after I became the director there, they came in. And I know that God was placing moms and girls coming in – like, a lot of them. And I was able to help them with that. We do the free pregnancy testing. We do the free limited ultrasound. We do, um, also talk to girls about possible adoption. We give them, you know, the choice. Um, we tell them all the three different things when they’re pregnant – um, the adoption, parenting and abortion. And we explain all three of them so they can make a really informed decision about what they’re gonna do.

Jim: And in that context, um, that information, you’re moving the girl to choose life?

Greta: Absolutely.

Jim: Everybody needs to hear that.

Greta: Absolutely. They need to see.

Jim: You know, one of the great things too, the folks that are listening, the donors that support the ministry, we – Focus, we made the decision years ago to provide, uh, support for – for free to the clinics, booklets and other things to help in that way. The uh, the ultrasound machines are a co-venture with the clinics.

Greta: Yes.

Jim: Um, that’s something that those listeners listening right now have helped to support over the years.

Greta: Well, we thank you because in 2007, we did get one of your, um, ultrasound machines. And it was just – it’s changed our whole center since then.

Jim: You know what’s amazing, John, and what’s so critical for people to understand, it is so inexpensive to save a baby’s life now.

Greta: Yeah.

Jim: I mean, we have this down to $60 to save a baby’s life.

Greta: Isn’t that something?

Jim: I mean, that – that’s amazing. And if you haven’t supported Focus before, support us in this way. Why don’t you save a baby’s life today by sending a gift of $60?

Greta: Yes. Amazing.

Jim: I’m serious. Uh, I think it’s one of the best investments in the kingdom of God.

Greta: Absolutely.

Jim: Let’s – let’s start with saving a child’s life.

Greta: And, you know, I have to tell a story, if that’s okay. Um, there was the woman who came in, and she had a little baby in, like, a little car seat. And she had, like, two other children or so. And she says, “I need a pregnancy test. And I – I need to have an abortion,” she said. And, um, so we said, “Okay, well, we’ll – we’ll go ahead and, you know, get you a pregnancy test and ultrasound and stuff.” So she went, had the pregnancy test. It was positive. And we went back, and – and the nurse did the ultrasound. And I happened to be able to be one that was in there to also observe, ‘cause we have two people in there when they have ultrasounds. And when, um, she – when the nurse put the probe on the mama’s tummy, behold, there wasn’t one, but two babies in there.

Jim: Oh, man.

Greta: And the nurse and I looked at each other like, “Oh, my goodness sakes.” And she got up off the table, went and started talking to the, um, nurse and said, “You know, I can’t kill two babies,” she said. And so she ended up doing an adoption plan with pastors down in southern Illinois.

Jim: Well, and that – that illustrates so perfectly the – the mission of all of us in the pro-life community. It’s for a woman to choose life. To be able to say, “I was able to give life to my baby,” um, a day from now and a – and 10 years from now and 50 years from now, you will be so much, uh, better off emotionally, spiritually that you chose life for your child.

Greta: Yes.

Jim: Rain, let me bring you into the conversation here. You are really representing, uh, a young girl. Uh, you are a young lady. You have two children now. But you connected with the clinic. And I want people to hear your story because that night that I was there speaking in Champaign, you shared, you know, for just five minutes. And my jaw was open. And I think, for a lot of people in the Christian community, um, we may hear of stories of trauma in a young girl’s life. But I want to hear from your heart. I want to hear what you went through. I want to hear how the clinic made a difference and what the Lord has done in your life. So let’s start with your teen years. Where were you? What was happening in your life? High school? What was going on?

Rain: Well, um, I just – it was just me and my mom when I was growing up. My mama’s – she’s a single mom. She worked a lot, so I was pretty much by myself. Um, she had a lot of things that she never worked through before she had me. So…

Jim: Her own background? Her own…

Rain: Yeah.

Jim: …Issues?

Rain: She still hasn’t fully worked through that stuff, so I’m – more so had a take on shaping myself to make sure that she was okay and she, um, could get through everything. So I…

Jim: So you felt that responsibility…

Rain: Yeah…

Jim: …As a…

Rain: …I never really had a voice.

Jim: …Thirteen-, 14-year-old girl?

Rain: Mmhmm.

Jim: “What can I do to make my – my mom’s life better?”

Rain: Yeah.

Jim: And that’s a lot of pressure.

Rain: Yeah, it was.

Jim: So what began to happen? What – what unraveled for you? Where were you seeking affirmation from? The people you hung out with? Describe that environment.

Rain: Um, well, I was – my – thankfully my grandparents were always there for me. So they constantly were, like, trying – they were the ones that taught me things. My grandma, like, she went over everything with me. But I still was constantly, like, wanting to be in the type of crowd that I wasn’t supposed to be in. I always hung out with people older than me. I wanted – I started smoking cigarettes because all the older people started smoking…

Jim: Right.

Rain: …Cigarettes. Um, I wanted to go out and party when I was, like, 13, 14, 15 because all of my older friends did it. I was always looking for something just to take my mind off everything.

Jim: Sure.

Rain: I was always running, always going. I never wanted to stay at home.

Jim: Well, there was a lot of pain at home, right? Dad’s not there. And I know that communicates a message. We don’t know the circumstances, but it hurts…

Rain: Yeah.

Jim: …That, uh, you know, you’re having to do this just with you and your mom, and your mom wasn’t in a healthy place and those kinds of things. You ended up – uh, you had a boyfriend at some point. How old were you when you, uh…

Rain: Um, well, I met him when I was 16. And then we were just, like, on and off. And then when I turned 17 is when I got pregnant with my son, and I was still in high school. I didn’t even tell my mom. I was freaking – I didn’t tell anyone. No one knew except…

Jim: You were freaking out, right?

Rain: Yeah. I was so scared that I, um, wasn’t eating. I lost, like, a bunch of weight…

Jim: Yeah.

Rain: …Because I never even told my mom. Someone called my mother and told her. I still don’t know who it was to this day.

Jim: Right. How did – how did she react? What was her response? Not to…

Rain: Well, I remember I was – because I was in high school – I came home, and my mom was supposed to be at work, and her car was there, and my grandma’s car was there, so I knew that they knew.

Jim: Yeah.

Rain: And I came inside. And my mom asked me if I was pregnant. I just started bawling. And then she freaked out and just – she went and sat outside. And then so my grandma talked to me, and then she called my aunt over. And she was very close to the Lord. And I was so scared that – she came there with her Bible, and I literally ran out the back door and tried to jump the fence.

Jim: To escape?

Rain: Yes.


Jim: But did that work? Or what happened?

Rain: No.


Jim: You came back, obviously.

Rain: I did.

Jim: And – and what were – what was that conversation like, not just with your aunt…

Rain: Um…

Jim: …But your mom and everybody?

Rain: Well, we all talked through it. My mom – she got to the point where she knew there was nothing – that she couldn’t change the – what was going on. So she kind of just sat there, and everyone else talked to me. And, um, everyone ended up being really supportive. They did ask me, um, at one point, my mom asked me if I want to do an abortion. But that – it didn’t even – I didn’t even think about it.

Jim: So you weren’t quite there? But moving to the relationship with your boyfriend, I mean, that – that, to me, is where the story really is…

Rain: Yeah.

Jim: …Because it was abusive, and, you know, it was unhealthy.

Rain: He was great at first. He was my best friend. I was madly in love with him. Like, it was insane. We were very co-dependent on each other. When I look back on it, like, it was not healthy even with that part. And then I – we – I had my son. He was there through the whole thing. And then it got – as, like, time went on, like, I had noticed, like, he was just not himself anymore. And then that’s when he was – started doing drugs. And then at first, it just – he would just talk down on me very badly, like, just tell me how I’m gonna be like my mom when I grow up, or I have to stay with him because no one else is gonna want to be with me.

Jim: That also involved, then, abuse. I mean, physically, he began to mistreat you.

Rain: Yeah, that’s when…

Jim: Um…

Rain: On my 19th birthday – it was actually my birthday party – and he, um, he had drank a whole bunch, and then he was really embarrassing. And then later on that night, his brother came over, and Jake had locked himself in the bathroom. And he’s like, “You need to go in there.” So I remember I got a penny, and I opened the door, and he was in there doing meth.

Jim: Yeah. And you didn’t know that up to that point?

Rain: No.

Jim: So…

Rain: And I…

Jim: …This was…

Rain: …Like…

Jim: …The problem?

Rain: It just, like – I was in shock. And then he had this – he picked me up, and he body-slammed me on the kitchen floor. And then he left. And then, um, he came back, and I – like, I wasn’t mad. I just remember feeling like I was just so – like, I couldn’t believe that he did that.

Jim: Right.

Rain: Like, I – “You’re supposed to love me. How are you gonna hurt me like that?” So I wasn’t angry. And then I made excuses for it because he had a bad childhood, so he didn’t know how to do what he was supposed to do because of all that. He was abused when he was growing up, so that’s just what he knows. So…

Jim: Right. And so…

Rain: …I made them all the…

Jim: Yeah.

Rain: …Time.

Jim: And that – you know, that’s understandable. Let me say to the listeners, if you’re in that kind of situation, you need to get to safety.

Rain: Yeah.

Jim: I mean, that’s one of the things we constantly talk about. And call us here at Focus for next steps that you can take. And it’s so, so critical.

John: Yeah, and that number to reach our counseling team is 800-A-FAMILY. Uh, we do have a lot of resources and help for you, um, regardless of what you’re struggling with at

Jim: Rain, it’s a powerful story. I mean, this is, um, so important because there are many young women living in this kind of environment where they don’t know safe steps to take. How did you begin to come, in some ways, to your senses, to say, “Okay, this is not healthy?” First of all, let me say and make sure you feel it – I admire you.

Rain: Thank you.

Jim: Look at where you’re at today. I mean, it gets tears in my eyes. This is a miracle. God has looked out for you. And it requires you to make good decisions at the same time. You have to be mindful of your environment. But who began to stand up for you and to talk with you and to encourage you?

Rain: Well, really, my mom always knew there was something going on, so she would always tell me, like, “You’re gonna outgrow this someday. You’re gonna get – get out of this.” There was really nothing anyone could say or do for me. It didn’t matter what anyone said. Like, my best friend Alexa, she was constantly, like, very…

Jim: Trying to help?

Rain: Yes, constantly. And – um, but there is nothing anyone can say or do when you’re living like that until you – it clicks in your head. And for me, I came home one day, and he had torn up the floorboards in my son’s room. And then I went to stay in my friend Alexa’s house with my kids. And then I was – like, I was just done. And this was, like – was four years of all that going on.

Jim: Trauma.

Rain: Yeah, just nonstop every day. So I went to her house, and then I said, “I can’t do this anymore.” So I was like, “I’m just gonna go back there. I’m not gonna go inside.” And I know – I – all I had – he just had to see my presence for him to do something crazy. So all he did was throw a drink on me. So I called the police because if they came I knew that he’d have to…

Jim: He’d have to leave.

Rain: …Be removed. And then, um, I remember the cop said to me, um, “I’ve been in situations like this before. I know all he did is throw a drink on you. But I had a lady that did this. I came. And she didn’t press charges. She just let it go. And two weeks later, we came to her house because her boyfriend stabbed her to death.”

Jim: My goodness. I mean, this is drama.

Rain: Mmhmm.

Jim: This is unbelievable.

John: Did you heed his warning?

Rain: At the time, but I still ended up letting it go.

Jim: Yeah. And really, one of the episodes I remember from your remarks, there was a – I think a drug dealer that recognized you that your…

Rain: Yeah.

Jim: …Former boyfriend or boyfriend had crossed. What happened? And how did that become the triggering point for you to say, “I need to get out of this”?

Rain: Well, that was – I was so wrapped up in everything. At this point in my life, I was homeless. I was living in and out of my car. I was riding around with gangs. I was doing – like, I was a completely different person than I am now and then who I was when I was raised – completely different. Um, but I saw him, and I also wanted to buy some stuff for myself. So I went over there, and then he was, like, asking me about Jake and asking where the money was. And I wasn’t with Jake at that time, but he didn’t believe me. So he grabbed my arms and floored it. And he just pressed down on the gas, and we went down for, like, two or three blocks. And then he finally let go of my arms, and then I – I still remember hearing the – my head hit the, um, street. And then I ended up in – I woke up in the hospital. My shoes were – I didn’t know where my shoes went. I still don’t know where my shoes went (laughter). Um, and then I was there overnight. And they ran a million tests, and I was perfectly fine. I had – my arm was broken. I had, um, a concussion.

Jim: So you weren’t fine?

Rain: Well, yeah, but I wasn’t – like, I had…

Jim: Yeah.

Rain: I – and then I had road rash really bad, but they – like, how long I was dragged…

Jim: You were hurt.

Rain: Yeah. I could have – it could have been a whole lot worse than it was.

Jim: In that context, where did you get connected then with Merci’s Refuge…

Rain: Well…

Jim: …Greta’s organization?

Rain: Um, I was – one day – because I had lived in Paxton all my life – like, when I was younger. So one day, I was just like, “I need to get outta Indiana.” And then I went there. I came to – I went out to Paxton, and I was staying with one of my friends. And then I stayed with my old neighbor from when I lived there. She still lived next door to my old house. And I remember one day, I was sitting in the living room, and I just started crying. And I, like, just started praying. I was like, “Lord, I need You. I need something. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t want to feel this way anymore.”

Jim: What sparked that? I mean, what in you…

Rain: It just – like, I just…

Jim: …Had you turn to the Lord?

Rain: I…

Jim: Was it the influence of your aunt? Was it…

Rain: It – ‘cause I always knew the Lord when I was growing up. He was always there. And my mom made – we went to church – not all the time, but we still went there. Like, I always knew about it.

Jim: Those little seeds made a difference?

Rain: It did completely. And then I ended up going to Merci’s Refuge and meeting with Nate and Greta. And then I was there. I moved in about a week later. I had my daughter’s glittered suitcase – it was…

Jim: Yeah.

Rain: …Super small – and then a bag. And, um, like that was not even in my radar going out to Illinois, not even a little bit. And it was – totally, God got me there completely.

Jim: Yeah. Let me – let me ask Greta to fill in some of this here. So Rain comes. Fill in the blanks about just the 19-year-old, the 18-year-old, the 21-year-old. What would be typical when this girl walks in? Is she gonna get help?

Greta: Oka, so she has to fill out an application, and she has to really want to change. The thing is – is that it’s not just a place to lay your head for the homeless, even though a lot of the girls are homeless, but it’s a place where you really want to change. You don’t have to be a Christian, but there’s gonna be – Christian stuff goes on there.

Jim: Sure.

Greta: And, um, we have two programs. We have a lot of different things, but one of them is Ditch the Baggage – and I think that Rain enjoyed Ditch the Baggage…

Rain: I did.

Greta: …And also Freedom Group. Those are two different group things that we do with the girls…

Jim: Yeah.

Greta: …Where there’s such freedom for them.

Jim: Yeah.

Greta: Um, but there’s different phases they go through. It’s a process. From 6 to 12 months now, they can live there.

Jim: Wow.

Greta: And…

Jim: That is great.

Greta: …Um, it’s just amazing. And, um, you know, we patterned it after another facility from years ago. This has been a dream of my heart and many others…

Jim: Mmhmm.

Greta: …For probably 30 years.

Jim: Yeah. Isn’t that something? I appreciate that.

Greta: And when I hear, like, Rain, and I see her, it’s like, that’s what it’s all about.

Jim: It is.

Greta: It’s all about that – that there’s not – everyone, there’s hope. There’s hope for the hopeless and that God – just is such an awesome thing to me is that He will entrust these precious, wounded women to us. It’s like, wow, you mean, you do? It’s like – because He doesn’t just want to put them into a place – “Yeah, I’ll get drug-free and all that.” But I mean, there’s so much more…

Jim: Right.

Greta: …Than that. And He entrusts us and says, “I trust you with them.”

Jim: Yeah.

Greta: “I believe that there’s freedom for these women.” And we’ve seen it again and again.

Jim: Yeah.

Greta: Some – it’s a little bit – you know, some choose to go back because – and – but that’s not our problem – you know, it’s not our…

Jim: You don’t own it.

Greta: You know – no, we don’t own it.

Jim: You’ve done what you can do.

Greta: We don’t own it. But I’ll tell you we’ve seen some freedom that I – it’s just mind-blowing.

Jim: Rain, when you hear Greta speaking this way, I mean, tears in her eyes for you, how do – how does it make you feel? I mean, what…

Rain: It makes me feel really good. Like, one of the main things that I liked about Merci’s Refuge was, like, Nate and Greta and the staff there, they don’t look at it as like a paycheck or a job, which at the facilities that I’d been at before, that’s what it was to them. They genuinely care, and they love us. Like, they want to see us succeed. They don’t…

Jim: Yeah.

Rain: They don’t judge us at all. You were just like – Greta feels like she’s my second mom.

Jim: Boy, that’s a great statement.

Rain: Yeah.

Jim: That’s a wonderful statement.

Rain: She really does.

Jim: We’ve heard a lot of your pain. I mean, the stuff that you went through as a teenager is tough stuff. Um, but you seem to be doing…

Rain: Yeah.

Jim: …Really well.

Rain: Mmhmm.

Jim: Describe that for us. Uh, where are you at today? How are your kids?

Rain: Um, well, I graduated from Merci’s last month. I moved out of there. I completed the whole program. I was there for a year. And then I had a great full-time job. And then about a month ago, I just moved back to Indianapolis to be with my kids full-time, and, um, I’m working at a veterinary place. I’m…

Jim: Oh, that’s good.

Rain: Yeah, I’m basically like a vet tech that…

Jim: Right.

Rain: …Didn’t go to school.

Jim: My wife…

Rain: It’s great.

Jim: …Was a vet tech.

Rain: Yeah.

Jim: Yeah. That’s great.

Rain: Just – I love animals. I’ve always loved animals.

Jim: Aw, that is awesome. When I look – John, when I look at all of us – let me speak to the whole listenership – uh, this is where our Christian faith is taking action.

Rain: Oh, yeah.

Greta: Yes.

Jim: I mean, it doesn’t say, “Say these good words so they’ll honor your Father in Heaven.” It’s, “Do these good deeds.” And that’s what people have done in your life. And you’re the product of God’s love. I mean, you’re starting to change, right?

Rain: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Jim: It’s pretty fresh, too.

Rain: Mmhmm.

Jim: It’s just, you know, a year, two years ago that these changes began in your life. So we want to stay in touch with you. We want to continue to do what we can do. I know Greta and the team there in Champaign are gonna do the same thing. And we’re just very, um, optimistic for what’s ahead in your life. And I want to say thank you for sharing some really painful stuff…

Rain: Oh, yeah.

Jim: …So people could, uh, hear what it’s like.

Rain: I’m glad some good can come out of it.

Jim: You’re living it.

Rain: Yeah.

Jim: You’re a living example.

Greta: Mmhmm.

Rain: (Unintelligible).

Jim: Thank you so much for being with us.

Greta: And I want to say thank you for Focus on the Family for all that you’ve done all the years.

Jim: Well, thank…

Greta: Um…

Jim: …The listeners. They do it.

Greta: I know it.

Jim: It’s the support…

Greta: I’ll tell ya…

Jim: …They provide.

Greta: Thank you…

Jim: So…

Greta: …Focus on the Family.


Jim: Let me say this. Man, I said at the beginning, $60 to save a baby’s life through Focus on the Family’s Option Ultrasound. And we partner with organizations like Greta’s, and we’re able to put in these ultrasound machines and provide resources for the centers. Be a part of it! Let’s be part of the solution. Support your local pregnancy resource center and support Focus on the Family to save a baby’s life. Let’s do it together. Let’s put our faith into action so that more young women, like Rain, can be helped – can be saved. And most importantly, their babies’ lives spared.

John: Yeah, and in the 15 years since we started Option Ultrasound, more than 800 machines have been placed around the country, 1 overseas, in fact. That includes training, and because of that, more than 425,000 babies’ lives have been saved.

Jim: And we realize not everyone can afford to send a gift of $60. I get that. But really, every dollar you can send will be combined with the gifts of other partners just like you. Together, we’ll help to provide ultrasound technology to pregnancy medical clinics and high-abortion communities. So donate today.

John: And you can do that by calling 800-232-6459 – 800, the letter A, and the word FAMILY – or stop by

Well, be sure to join us next time as we hear from Rachel Wojo. She shares about some heartbreaking news no parent wants to hear.


Rachel Wojo: When they tell you the average lifespan is 10 to 15 years and your daughter is 4 years old, it rocks your world.

End of Teaser

Today's Guests

Save a baby's life today!

Your gift will equip pregnancy medical clinics across the country with ultrasound machines, resources, and nurses' sonography training so abortion-vulnerable mothers can see their babies ... and be moved to choose life. Every $60 you donate will help save the life of one preborn baby through our Option Ultrasound program.

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