Father Was Abusive: What Does It Mean to Honor Him?
How do I deal with my elderly dad’s history of child sexual abuse?
Sometimes life can feel like there are more questions than answers — but we’re here to help! Our Q&As cover a wide range of topics and offer biblical, practical insight from Focus on the Family’s licensed counselors and other trusted sources. You’re not alone on this journey!
How do I deal with my elderly dad’s history of child sexual abuse?
How far is too far when it comes to physical expressions of affection before marriage?
What does it mean to “blaspheme the Holy Spirit”?
What does the Bible really mean when it says “Wives submit to your husbands”?
How can I break the cycle of severe doubt and fear about my faith?
Our teen daughter struggles with her sexuality and wants to dress like a boy. We want to help her respect God’s design for sexuality while also keeping our relationship with her strong — but we always end up arguing with her. How can we find a professional therapist who can help us sort it out?
Our grandson is being supported by his parents (our daughter and son-in-law) to “transition” to a girl. They say that if we don’t call him by his new female name, they’ll cut us out of their lives. We don’t know where this is coming from or what to do. How do we show them love without abandoning our Christian values?