
Request a Counselor Call

Focus on the family counseling

Request a Call From a Counselor

Looking for help, hope and direction from a Christian perspective?

Focus on the Family has professional and pastoral counselors to listen and provide initial guidance and resources including an offer to pray with you.

Arrange for a free one-time consultation with a member of our Counseling Department staff by completing the form below, or by calling 1-855-771-HELP (4357).

If using the online request form below, a member of the counseling staff will return your call within 2-5 business days based on call volumes.

Request a Call from a Counselor

Please enter a name that is at least two characters long. (Characters can be letters of the alphabet, an apostrophe, hyphen, space, or period.)
Please enter a name that is at least two characters long. (Characters can be letters of the alphabet, an apostrophe, hyphen, space, or period.)
Our counselors are unable to make calls outside the United States. If you are in Canada, please call our Canadian office at 800-661-9800 or you can visit their website at If you are in another country, feel free to call us at 855-771-4357, let us know where you are calling from, and request to speak with a counselor.
Please enter your area code, followed by your mobile phone number.

Important Notices

  • Phone consultations are kept confidential except in those few situations that licensed counselors are not legally able to do so.

  • While time windows are not a guaranteed appointment, your selection helps us target the most likely time when you will be able to take the call. Consults typically range from 20 to 40 minutes, based upon the need of a caller’s scenario.

  • In order to avoid missing your call from Focus on the Family, please note that most phone networks identify our call with a toll-free number in the caller ID screen.

  • For Christian counseling referrals nearest you, you may also visit the Focus on the Family Christian Counselors Network.

Intensive Marriage Counseling

Thousands of marriages, situations as complex and painful as yours, have been transformed with the help of professionals who understand where you are right now and care deeply about where you and your spouse wind up in the future.

Focus on the Family’s Hope Restored marriage intensives help couples on the brink of divorce. So before you and your spouse close the door forever, you owe it to yourselves and possibly your children to give saving your marriage one more try.

Here you will find personalized, intimate programs for restoring individuals and rebuilding marriages. There are new beginnings, even for husbands and wives who think all hope is lost.