Enfoque a la Familia Costa Rica logo

Enfoque a la Familia has been serving families in San Jose, Costa Rica since 1998. For most of that time, they operated as a hub for all of the Spanish language ministry, under the leadership of Sixto Porras. Now that Enfoque’s regional presence will be based in the Colorado Springs headquarters location, the Costa Rica office will continue to serve families and churches in their country. The team there is a critical part of the Spanish-language ministry, delivering events, courses, and counseling services in a community that has been at the center of Enfoque a la Familia’s outreach for so many years.

Ready to Wed

  • The Costa Rica team has adapted the entire Ready to Wed curriculum to serve churches looking for pre-marital counseling options and for couples hoping to build a strong foundation for their marriage. (Link entirely in Spanish)

Meet the Team

  • Meet the group in San Jose, Costa Rica that is meeting the needs of families every day. (Link entirely in Spanish)

On Social Media

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

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