“Help for Six Common Marriage Problems” Sign-up Form

Get Help for the Six Most Common Marriage Struggles.

We understand your struggles are real and want to help. We also believe that you and your spouse can look to God’s Word for encouragement and strength to work through challenges in your relationship.

“Help for Six Common Marriage Problems” is a FREE series of six short videos created to help couples dealing with everyday issues — selfishness, loneliness, etc.

Join Ryan and Selena Frederick from Fierce Marriage for inspiration on loving your spouse through the ups and downs of life.

Here are the six problems that will be addressed in the series:

Problem #1: Viewing Marriage Like a Contract
Problem #2: We Tend to Make Comparisons
Problem #3: Loneliness
Problem #4: Challenges With In-Laws
Problem #5: Not Setting Boundaries
Problem #6: Keeping Score

Where can we send your six-part video series?

Fill out the form below, and we’ll send you the whole series right away.

Please use between 1-20 characters. Please use only alphabet, apostrophe, hyphen, space and period.

Please use between 1-20 characters. Please use only alphabet, apostrophe, hyphen, space and period.