Everyone wants to have a high IQ, but what God wants most of all is for us to be spiritually mature. That’s what your SQ is – your spiritual quotient. Want to find out if you have a high SQ? For this month’s Live It Challenge, watch our fun video, take a quiz with your family, and find out how to improve your SQ together!
In this video, you’ll get a brief introduction to Spiritual Intelligence, or SQ! Afterwards, take a minute to read through our information and examples, then take our quiz at the end!Â
What is SQ?
“Unlike IQ (an evaluation of cognitive intelligence) and EQ (an assessment of how effectively one manages emotions, behavior, and feelings), SQ is a measure of spiritual intelligence. This unique form of intelligence is largely unrecognized by many in our postmodern culture, but a strong spiritual quotient can supplement IQ and EQ, and the good news is that it’s free and attainable by all.” – Amy Phillip, Author of The SQ Factor
Spiritual intelligence is a special type of wisdom that can only come from a knowledge of, love for, and obedience to God and His ways. How can we grow in this intelligence? The answer is quite easy and completely free: through the consistent reading, understanding, and application of God’s Word, the Bible!Â
We are so fortunate to live in a time where the Bible is accessible and free through the internet! Additionally, there are various free tools and commentaries that exist to help you navigate some of the more difficult passages and ideas of Scripture. The Bring Your Bible team recommends you start with a few verses at a time and focus on digesting the logos and rhema of what you’re reading. Grasping these two concepts is crucial to growing your SQ.Â
Developing Your SQ: Logos
When you first read a passage of Scripture. What do you see? The logos is the actual written words of the Bible. It’s that simple! Scripture has the power to change our lives. So, it makes sense that the first step in improving your spiritual intelligence is to simply read Scripture.Â
More than just words on a page, there is meaning, context, connections, and truth to what you see in the Bible. When you are reading a passage, seek to understand precisely what is literally being said, by whom it is written, and to whom it is for. All this is important to know before you develop your rhema takeaway.Â
Developing Your SQ: Rhema
Now you must interpret what you are reading and seek to understand what God is trying to tell you. The word rhema refers to God’s specific application for us.Â
Not every passage of Scripture directly correlates to something you may be going through right now. But, there is always an important aspect of God’s character that can be better understood through Scripture. To help us understand this, let’s look at a couple of examples.
Example 1: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Logos: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” – Paul writing to Timothy around 60 AD.
Rhema Takeaway:Â What I read in the Bible will call, equip, and direct myself and others as we navigate life. God’s Word is an instruction to live in the joyful life of following Christ.Â
Example 2: 1 John 3:21-22
Logos: Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God; and whatever we ask we receive from him, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him. – John writing to the Church around 100 AD
Rhema Takeaway:Â If I am lost, I can trust that God’s Word will work within me. I am encouraged to come before the Lord with my requests and follow the Lord’s leading of my heart.
Developing Your SQ: Humility and the Holy Spirit
As you grow in your SQ, it is crucial to understand the importance of humility. Acknowledge the work of the Holy Spirit in your heart. Nobody is born with a high spiritual intelligence; it is learned and grown in each of us as we are led by the Spirit through the Scriptures. So remember that not everyone learns everything in a day, including you! Be patient with others as you encourage them to read and understand the Scriptures for themselves.Â
John 16:13-14 says,” When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.” What a gift! God has given each believer His Holy Spirit to reveal to us what His Word means when we read it!Â
Developing Your SQ: Church and Fellowship
Along with the Holy Spirit, we are also given the gift of the Church, a community of believers tasked with being God’s ambassadors on earth! When done right, this beautifully imperfect community will teach you more about grace, forgiveness, and the gospel than any other. So, it is important to be involved with this group of believers for your mutual guidance and encouragement.Â
To God Be The Glory
So, as you grow to learn more about God and His plan for your life, remember that even this growth is a gift from God. It flows from the mercy and grace that was bought for you on the cross.Â
God came down as a man, lived a perfect life, died, and rose again so that you could not only escape the punishment of sin, but also so that you could also enter into and enjoy eternal life with Him. Knowing the Lord through His Word is part of what God has bought for you to enjoy! Therefore, live your life and conduct yourself in such a way that this is reflected and others can see that God gets all the glory in your life.Â
Seek to serve others with your knowledge, not beat them down. God’s Word can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of prideful people, but it is also the greatest tool for the humble servant of Christ.
Take the Quiz!
Want to test your SQ? Take our short quiz with the button below!
More Resources: The SQ Factor Book
The terms IQ and EQ are readily understood by most in our culture, but what about one’s “SQ,” or spiritual quotient? Amy explains how this often unrecognized form of intelligence can be developed, and how valuable it is to the successful navigation of all aspects of life.