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Where to Start Reading the Bible

Where to Start Reading the Bible Girl 2

We have each been planted with seeds of the Gospel, but how can we help those seeds grow? One of the best ways to help that seed grow is with a Bible reading plan! Start a Bible reading plan today!

The Bible is packed with historical accounts and instructions on how to live in a way that is pleasing and honoring to God. Reading the Bible is an incredible way to grow and deepen our faith. But with so much to read, do you sometimes wonder where to start reading the Bible? There is no best way to read the Bible, and different people find that a different reading plans are better for their schedules and learning styles. Thankfully, there are several great Bible reading plans to choose from. Let’s look at why reading the Bible is essential and then explore four different Bible reading plans. Then it’s your turn: Pick one reading plan to start this month and get started!

Why Study the Bible?

When you accepted Jesus Christ into your life, you stepped into the most amazing relationship you will ever have — a relationship with God. All relationships require work for them to strengthen and grow. But how can you cultivate a relationship with the Creator of the Universe?

The key to any relationship — including one with God — is communication. First, you can talk to God through prayer. Remember that communication isn’t a one-way street; God wants to speak to you too! Make sure to take the time to listen for His voice. He will choose many ways to talk to you. However, one of the best ways to hear God’s voice is to read His love letter to you: The Bible. Reading God’s Word helps us to grow in Christ. It teaches us how to live a life that is holy and pleasing to Him and that will demonstrate His power and love to those around us. The Bible shows us God’s character and gives us guidance on handling situations in life. We can test everything against His Word and know it is true — yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Want to dig deeper? Click here for eight reasons to study the Bible.

How Can We Trust What The Bible Says?

The Bible was written over the course of almost two millennia by approximately forty different authors. Paul states in 2 Timothy 3:16 that “all Scripture is breathed out by God,” which means His Spirit inspired every word written.

There are a lot of hot debates on whether or not the Bible is true historically, if it is the Word of God, or if it depicts Jesus accurately. A lot of people demand proof. So how can we know that the Bible is true? Can we trust that it’s accurate? Or do we just take it on faith that it is? Click here to discover five reasons why the Bible is true.

If your friends have questions about the authenticity of the Bible, here are some answers to commonly asked questions about God’s Word that may help you share your faith with them.

Four Different Types of Bible Reading Plans

Now that we know why it’s important to study the Bible, and that we can trust that it is true, let’s take a look at four different types of Bible reading plans that you can choose from to jump-start your own Bible study.

A few tips before you get started:

1) Set aside time each day to read the Bible. If you have to, block out space on your calendar so that you can’t fill that time with other commitments. Make that appointment with God a priority and one that you can’t miss.

2) Try to be consistent. If possible, set aside the same time to read the Bible each day. It doesn’t have to be first thing in the morning; it can be anytime.

3) Say a short prayer before you start reading. Ask God to speak to you through the Scripture and give you understanding. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” God will allow things to leap off the page and will help you understand what you are reading if you ask Him for guidance.

1. Chronological Reading Order

The first Bible reading plan you can choose from is a chronological reading plan. This plan guides you through the stories and events of the Bible in the order in which they happened, not the order in which they were written.

The benefit of choosing a chronological reading order is that you get to see which events happened at the same time, and understand what happened next. All of these events then come together to show the whole picture that points to Jesus Christ.

This reading plan typically takes a year to complete, which gives you some time to dig deeper into each passage of scripture that you read. You can download a list of what passages of scripture to read each day, or there are chronological study Bibles available for you to use.

Click Here to Start a Chronological Reading Plan

2. Read the Bible In a Year

This Bible reading plan guides you through the Bible over the course of one year. Each day, you will read passages from both the Old and New Testaments.
The benefits of going through the Bible at a slower pace like this are that you can spend more time on each passage of Scripture and really dig deeper into what you are reading. Reading both the Old and New Testament at the same time gives a well-rounded picture of how God has worked in history and how everything that happened in the Old Testament points to Jesus’ coming in the New Testament.

Click Here to Start a Year-Long Reading Plan

3. Read the Bible in 90 Days

Are you excited to learn everything that the Bible has to say, but don’t want to take a year to do it? This plan is structured so that you can finish reading the entire Bible in three months.

You’ll need to dedicate at least a thirty minutes every day to finish the plan on time. It’s a lot of reading and is a serious commitment to stay on track. However, it’s a great way to see the entire picture in a short amount of time. The only downside is that you don’t get as much time to dig deeper.

Once you’ve finished this plan, go back and pick out chapters or books to study at greater depth. What things jump out to you when you read them a second time?

Click Here to Start a 90-Day Reading Plan

4. Start-to-Finish

The fourth Bible reading plan you can choose from is a start-to-finish plan. This may be the most straightforward approach to reading the Bible as you start on page one (Genesis) and read straight through to the end (Revelation).

You can go at your own pace with this plan and read as quickly or slowly as you would like. This allows for in-depth studying of passages that speak to you. Some great Bible studies focus on individual books of the Bible and will help you navigate some of the more challenging sections, such as genealogies.

Memorize Bible Verses With Your Family

Another great way to read the Bible and reinforce what you are learning is to memorize Bible verses from the passages you read. And what better way is there to do that than to get your family involved too! Check out this article below for some tips on scripture memory, as well as a list of verses to memorize!

Close-up of the hilt of a king's sword against a glowing, sparkling background

Equipping the Sword of the Spirit: A Guide to Scripture Memory 

The Bible is described as the Sword of the Spirit, a living and active weapon used to fight against sin and help us grow closer to God. Here’s how we can equip it for the spiritual battles we face each day!

Click Here to Learn More about Scripture Memory

Tell us How it Went!

The Bring Your Bible team wants to know what Bible reading plan you picked. How is it going so far? Send us your thoughts and be featured on our Facebook and Instagram pages!

Direct message us on social media or email us at [email protected]!

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About the Author


Picture of Bret Eckelberry

Bret Eckelberry

Yeah, these are good too…

Bring Your Bible to School Day

Why It Changes everything!

The Live It Challenge presents Bring Your Bible to School Day—coming this October! This exciting event empowers Christian students to make an impact living out their faith by bringing God’s Word with them to school!

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