The time for PRO-LIFE action is now!

The tide is turning. Can you feel it?

The inspiring, encouraging message of life and hope is being heard across the country. Pro-life families like YOURS are showing compassionate care to the most vulnerable people in their communities and offering tangible support to pregnancy medical clinics right where they live. The message is clear: “Every person — born and preborn — is equal and valuable in God’s eyes!”

But there’s more to be done! Join us this January as we celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Month and lock arms with our friends from March For Life. Below, you’ll find simple ways your whole family — even your church family — can get involved. 2022 is going to be a landmark year! Let’s come together to champion life and show how we #LoveEveryHeartbeat!

Related Broadcasts

Learn more and equip your family. The issue of abortion brings harsh rhetoric and heated emotions. As a result, facts and reasonableness get trampled. We need truth — shared in a loving, compassionate way. You’ll love these Focus on the Family broadcasts, which bring clarity and calm to the chaos, offer hope for the world, and equip Christ-followers for the way forward.

Why I Left the Abortion Industry (Part 1 of 2)

Why I Left the Abortion Industry - Part 1

Abby Johnson, Annette Lancaster, and Sue Thayer offer a behind-the-scenes look at the abortion industry​

Why I Left the Abortion Industry (Part 2 of 2)

Why I Left the Abortion Industry - Part 2

Abby Johnson, Annette Lancaster, and Sue Thayer offer a behind-the-scenes look at the abortion industry​

From Abortionist to Pro-Life Advocate - Part 1

Dr. Kathi Aultman was once an atheist and a staunch advocate for a woman's "right to choose" who supported that right