
Faith Conversation: The Weight of Worry

A young couple looks at each other across a table while having coffee in a cafe

Anxiety can weigh us down. So husbands and wives should help each other trust God with their cares. This devotion offers some questions to ask your spouse to start a conversation about the topic.

As a couple, discuss the book of 1 Peter. Read each chapter together or individually, then focus your conversation on the passages below and discuss the questions that follow. “[Cast] all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

  • What causes you stress today?
  • Name one way I’ve helped you feel less stressed in the past.
  • How can we help each other trust God more with stressful things?

Anxiety dampens the spirit; worries weigh us down. Like a large backpack full of rocks, carrying the weight of worry makes our journey more difficult. But God invites us to take it off and leave it at His feet. It’s important for husbands and wives to help each other trust God with their cares. “Being positive” is the world’s answer to worry; trusting God should be the believer’s response.

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