
Faith Conversation: Trying to Earn God’s Love

Don Hammond/Design Pics Inc.

Our pride can make us feel as if we need to earn God's forgiveness. Admitting that we have nothing to offer God requires humility. This devotion will help you and your spouse talk about the topic.

“Just as Abraham ‘believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.'” (Galatians 3:6)

  • If you could supernaturally add one character trait to your personality, what would it be?
  • Have you ever felt the need to earn God’s acceptance?
  • What does it mean to you that God counts your belief in Christ as righteousness?

Even after we’ve asked Jesus to be our Savior, it’s sometimes difficult to rest in His unconditional love for us. Our pride can make us feel that we need to earn God’s forgiveness. It requires humility to admit that we have nothing to offer God. When we believe in Jesus and humbly accept His gift of salvation, God credits our spiritual account with righteousness — then we’re free to follow Him without guilt or condemnation.

Did you know couples are 30 percent less likely to get a divorce if they get some sort of premarital training? If you or someone you know is planning to marry, check out Focus on the Family’s Ready to Wed curriculum, and then prepare for a marriage you’ll love!

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