
Making Personal Time for God After Marriage

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When I was single, I was deeply aware of my need for God. He was the only other Person in my apartment to talk to on quiet evenings. He was the one who gave me peace when I was scared and loved me no matter what. And while those things were still true after I got married, suddenly it was a lot harder to make time for God. I became a little less desperate for Him since there was another person lying next to me when I fell asleep and woke up, a person who was physically there to talk to, someone to put his arms around me when I was afraid and to love me when I was unlovable.

Part of it was that I didn’t know when to carve out alone time for God in our new routine as a married couple. The other reason was that I just wanted to be with my husband as much as I possibly could. My husband faithfully read his Bible every morning and encouraged me to do the same, but it was hard for me not to be distracted. My mind was more focused on what I was planning to cook for dinner and making sure to get out the door on time.

But the Lord didn’t let me forget how much I needed Him. Shortly after getting married, I faced several major health crises that ultimately brought my heart back to a desperation for God. Jeremiah 17:7-8 says,

Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.


Hear real-life stories and examples from authors Greg and Erin Smalley of how busyness, routine and exhaustion almost doomed their marriage. Learn to recognize how gentle neglect and silent routines are the "little foxes" and how you and your spouse can catch them before drifting apart.

Life is hard, even when — sometimes especially when — you’re married. And if your hope is focused on your relationship with your spouse instead of on God, then you are like a tree with an underdeveloped root system. When tough times come you have no way to get the strength you need. You have to be intentional; you can’t coast by on the relationship you had with God in the past. You have to keep working and seeking Him regularly to know Him.

Make time for God

Here are a few ways I found to intentionally make time for God, even when it seemed hard with someone else in my personal routine and space:

  • Listen to the Bible App while getting ready or driving to work.
  • Read, pray or fast during lunch break.
  • Read the Bible while eating breakfast in the morning.
  • Read the Word or a devotional with your spouse.
  • Set aside an evening to spend some alone time with just you and God, even if that means getting out of the house and going to a coffee shop or on a hike.

Making time for the Lord is incredibly important — don’t stop doing it just because your routine and home life have changed.

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