
Advent Devotionals for Couples – Week 2: Advent Preparation and Waiting for Jesus

married couple waiting
© milanmarkovic78/Adobe Stock
Though He came to earth already, we’re waiting for Jesus to return. Waiting is difficult but not passive. It should involve preparation.

Advent preparation includes waiting — not just sitting quietly, but actively anticipating.

Key Scripture: Isaiah 40:3-5

The glow from the candles adds a warm, ruddy hue to the room. The table is set. Cups and plates are neatly arranged. A small fire crackles in the hearth, and the smell of warm apple cider drifts in from the kitchen. It’s all ready. The gifts are wrapped, the tree is trimmed and the guest room is ready. But something is missing. No, not something. Someone. They’ll be here soon. They promised. That’s why you took the time to get ready. Because they’ll be here. They promised. It’s just a matter of time.

Advent preparation and waiting for Jesus

“Prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God … the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all the people will see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken” (Isaiah 40:3,5). The prophet Isaiah knew God had spoken. But Isaiah had no way of knowing that seven centuries would pass before the Promised One was born. God, however, is not bound by time. The eternal I Am calls all times “soon,” and His Word endures through the ages. It is up to us to wait for His promise to be fulfilled.

When Israel was defeated by the Assyrians, they waited for a King to deliver them. When the nation of Judah was taken captive by the Babylonians, they waited for a Warrior to save them. Through centuries of conquest and captivity, the faithful believed God and waited for Him to send a Deliverer. And though Jesus came to earth already, we’re waiting for Jesus to return.

Waiting is difficult. But it’s not passive. Waiting requires action and should involve preparation. Advent preparation includes looking for what God has said. If God has made a promise, it’s up to us to believe — to ready ourselves for the time when the promise is fulfilled.

Read these Advent Scriptures about God’s promises and timing

Isaiah 40:3-5
Isaiah 7:14
Isaiah 11:1-10
Galatians 4:4

Ask your spouse

  • What have you done in the past while waiting for God to answer a significant prayer?
  • Is God asking us to do something significant this Christmas season? How can we prepare to obey Him?
  • How can I encourage you while you’re waiting for God to answer your prayer?

More ways to grow closer to your spouse this holiday season:

Meaningful Christmas Traditions for Couples

More Advent Devotionals


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