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Urgent Need: Right now, many families are drowning in chaos—pulled under by strained marriages, waning faith, and children caught in turbulent currents. Will you become 1 of 1,650 monthly donors needed before 11:59 p.m. on March 31 to deliver life-changing biblical resources? For just $15 a month, you’ll be a lifeline families desperately need in their darkest moments.

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Want to Be a Better Husband? Hang Out With Good Friends

four good friends better husbands
© ASDF/Adobe Stock
If you're not sure that certain friendships are having a positive impact on you, consider the influence these guys have on your marriage. Do they encourage you to love your wife more?

“So, have you guys been treating your wives well lately?” Tom asked. It wasn’t a typical halftime question. When men get together to watch a football game, conversation rarely focuses on marriage. When it does, it’s often a snarky comment someone makes about his wife.

This time was different.

“Well, sure. Of course,” was the common reply.

Question No. 2 followed: “So, what have you done lately to make that happen?” We knew Tom was serious because he was the guy who always challenged us to improve our marriages.

“I’ve started leaving my phone in the car when we go to a restaurant,” one guy said.

“We were having friends over, so I asked her how I could help her get ready.”

“She wanted to talk about something, so I turned off the TV.”

Good friends

This is a group of guys who are committed to the growth of their marriages. When we hang out, we do the normal guy stuff. But we’re intentional about challenging one another to be better husbands.

It’s been said that you become like the five people you spend the most time with. Who are the five guys you connect with the most? Are you a better husband because of these relationships? And are they better because they’ve been with you?

This doesn’t mean you have to eliminate all your friendships with men who are down on their marriages — they need your influence, too. You just should prioritize time with men who cherish their wives. Ask yourself, Is this guy the kind of husband I want to be?

What does your wife say?

If you’re not sure that certain friendships are having a positive impact on you, ask your wife how she feels about the influence different guy friendships are having on you. Listen to her. She sees what you’re like when you return home. Is she noticing something you missed, some destructive words or habits that have rubbed off on you?

Want to be a better husband? Hang out with good husbands. Find someone who’s doing it right and invite him out for coffee. Ask questions and listen to his perspective. You might just “catch” what he has.

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