
Why Wait for Sex?

A couple stands closely with their foreheads touching in an intimate moment, symbolizing a connection that might raise considerations around topics like premarital sex. The pair appears deeply emotional and close, set against a serene, natural backdrop.
In a sex-saturated culture, waiting till marriage seems outdated and prudish.

In This Series:

Purity seems archaic; abstinence impossible. Why wait when everyone else is getting the goods now?

It’s just sex — the subject of nearly every movie and primetime show, even magazine ads. What’s so special about it? In a sex-saturated culture, waiting till marriage seems outdated and prudish. Pleasure is the name of the game. But that’s not the whole story.

In addition to the risk of contracting STDs and AIDS or getting pregnant, premarital sex leads to emotional distress, distrust, regret and emptiness. That’s because sex connects two people in body and spirit; it’s impossible to separate the two.

If you’re planning to give away your virginity, or are hurting from past sexual experiences, read on for a different view of sex.

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