Marriage can be tough ... Remarriage can be even tougher!

Blended families face unique challenges. That doesn’t make them better or worse, just… different. Understanding the factors that make stepfamilies distinct is critical. It can make the difference between a blended family that is floundering and one that is built on a solid foundation of love and trust.

Join Smart Stepfamilies founder Ron Deal for this series of seven short videos (roughly 6-8 minutes each) called “Thriving Stepfamilies: Overcoming Common Challenges in Blended Families.”

He’ll offer insightful, practical tips, informed by years of ministering to blended families, to help you and your loved ones experience harmony in your household. Along the way, you’ll find discussion questions and additional resources to help your blended family thrive.


Image of Ron Deal

Here are the videos in the series:

Episode #1: “Making a Good Blend: Challenges and Opportunities”
Episode #2: “Triangled: Your Marriage, the Kids, and Your Blended Family” 
Episode #3: “Former Spouses, Co-Parenting, and Between-Home Challenges”
Episode #4: “The 6 Ps of Stepparenting”
Episode #5: “Freedom for Those Between Homes”
Episode #6: “Financing Family Togetherness”
Episode #7: “Turning Points: Research Insights for a Good Blend”

Fill out the form below, and we’ll send you a link to Episode #1 right away. Then, every 2-3 days after that, you’ll receive an email with a link to the next episode in the series.

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Please use between 1-20 characters. Please use only alphabet, apostrophe, hyphen, space and period.