
20 Cute Ways to Tell Your Husband You’re Pregnant

You know who the first person you want to tell is, so here are 20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant.

Something has been different for the last few days, and you’re noticing more and more signs that you might be pregnant. This morning you headed to the store to pick up a pregnancy test. Now, you wait, tapping your toes against the floor and your fingers against the bathroom sink. Five minutes seems like five years. And finally, you see the result. You’re pregnant!

Waves of emotion burst through you: Excitement, joy, and maybe even some trepidation. You may not know quite what to expect. There will be so much to do and many people to tell about the little one on the way. You know who the first person you want to tell is, but how do you tell your husband that you’re pregnant?

Telling Your Husband That You’re Pregnant

When you decide to tell your husband that you’re pregnant is up to you! Some women are excitedly bursting at the seams and can’t wait a moment to share the good news.

Others may wait a few hours or days so that they can plan a fun and unique way to tell their husband that they are expecting.

You can tell your husband you’re pregnant in countless ways. No matter which you choose, he will undoubtedly be surprised! And remember, every husband reacts differently to the news that he will soon be a father. He may be feeling many of the same emotions you are and may need some time to process them (since you did get a little bit of a head start).

The Bible tells us that children are a reward from God (Psalm 127:3). David wrote in Psalm 139:13-18 how God knows us and our children from the moment of conception, how He weaves each of us together, and how He has a wonderful purpose for our lives.

Here are 20 ideas to spark your creativity when deciding how to tell your husband the great news. What other cute ways can you think of to tell him that you’re expecting?

20 Cute Ways to Tell Your Husband You’re Pregnant

1.   Gift Wrap the Pregnancy Test

In the first of our list of 20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant, give your husband a surprise gift – the pregnancy test! You can wrap it any way you choose: In a box, gift bag, or tie a bow around the test itself. You can also include a card and write a note from baby to daddy saying how excited the baby is to meet their daddy and how much they look forward to sharing life’s adventures with him.

2.    You’re the Best Dad Ever!

Find or make your husband something that states he is the “Best Dad Ever.” There are endless options on which you can print these words. For example, you might find a t­-shirt, funny socks, a baseball hat, a wall or desk plaque, a pillow, coffee mugs or other drinkware, or an engraved watch. These ideas scratch the surface. Pick something that will be meaningful to your husband.

3.    Get Your Pets or Kids Involved

If you have pets or already have kids, get them involved in the fun! You can tie a bandanna around your dog or cat’s neck, saying, “Mom’s pregnant!” Or, if you have kids, you can make t-shirts for everyone in the family that read “Mom, Dad, Big Sister, Big Brother, etc.” Last but not least, create a onesie that says “Baby.”

4.    Scavenger Hunt

Create a baby-themed scavenger hunt for your husband to go on around the house. Let the search lead him to a baby item and a note that lets him know you will both be experiencing the treasure of parenthood.

5.    Capture His Reaction on Camera

Set up a video camera, take a selfie, or have a friend photograph the two of you in #5 of our list of 20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant. Count down from three and then exclaim, “I’m pregnant!” As the shutter clicks, you’ll have his reaction captured on camera to look back on for years to come. You can also take a video of him holding a stack of signs and flipping through them while not knowing what they say. Then at the end, reveal the final message by having him turn the sign around and read it aloud. Be sure to capture his reaction on camera!

6.    Give Him a Book

Give your husband a book to tell him the good news. You can buy a baby book, a funny dad jokes book, an encouraging fatherhood book, or even create a custom book that details the story of your growing family.

7.    Happy Holidays!

If it’s near a holiday, put a holiday twist on sharing the news. Get an ornament or another stocking to hang on the mantle if it’s Christmastime. If it’s near Thanksgiving, create something around the concept of “our little turkey.” Easter Eggs can spell out “I’m Pregnant,” and a “Happy Father’s Day” card can let him know he’s a dad.

8.    Do a Puzzle

Buy or create a puzzle that spells out the fantastic news and have him put it together. He will be surprised when he sees all the pieces come together!

9.    Put a Bun in the Oven

When a woman gets pregnant, a famous saying is that there is a “bun in the oven.” If you like to bake (or even if you prefer the local bakery), it could be a fun treat for your husband to find that single bun in the oven.

10.     Dinner for Three

In #10 of our list of 20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant, take your husband out to a dinner and make the reservation for three people. If you prefer a special night in, set the kitchen table with three place settings instead of two. Light candles, cook a favorite meal, and add name cards to the table settings, such as “Mom, Dad, and Baby.” Or, you can write “We’re Pregnant” on a dinner plate or the bottom of a cup. When the meal or drink is finished, your husband will spot the surprise message.

You can also choose to cook up a baby-themed dinner. You might choose to cook foods with the word “baby” in the name. These might include baby back ribs, baby spinach, baby potatoes, baby carrots, or Baby Bell cheese. Or you can cook a dinner of tiny foods that are “baby” sized.

11.     A Sweet Treat

If your husband has a sweet tooth, spelling it out on a cake, a series of cupcakes, chocolates, cookies, or sliced fruits can be a sweet treat to share.

12.    Create a New Avatar

If your family is into streaming movies and TV shows, and you have individual avatars set up for your separate profiles, add a different profile to your streaming services for the baby. Then start adding baby and kid-friendly shows to the lineup.

13.    Making Room for Baby

Clear out some cabinet or dresser space and leave a sign behind that reads, “Reserved for Baby.” You can also find some yellow “under construction” tape and rope off the bedroom that will soon belong to your little one. Hang a sign that says “Nursery Under Construction” with the estimated “completion” date.

14.    Propose to Him

Remember the day that your husband asked you to marry him? Now it’s your turn to propose! You can use the pregnancy test as your gift or find a small keepsake gift to present to him. Get down on one knee and propose to be parents together.

15.    Create a Countdown Calendar

Create a countdown calendar in #15 of our list of 20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant. Just estimate 280 days (40 weeks or nine months) from when you think you conceived your baby. The countdown calendar can be digital, paper, or even something you craft out of wood or another material. Be sure to include some fun baby designs on the calendar!

16.    Adding to Your Nest

Decorate some eggs, or write “I’m Pregnant” or across a dozen of them. You can also create a makeshift nest. Write something fun such as, “Adding to our nest” or “We are egg-specting.”

17.    Daddy’s Little Buddy

If your husband has a favorite sports team or hobby, get matching jersey, shirts, or items for the baby that shows that they will be daddy’s little buddy.

18.    Go Shopping

Go shopping and buy some baby items (diapers, baby food, toys, etc.) to add to your cart. When you get home, have your husband help unload the groceries, and be sure he empties the bag with the baby items.

19.    Baby Fund Piggy Bank

Give the gift of a piggy bank. You can make a tag, ribbon, or stencil on the bank “Baby Fund.”

20.     Game Night

In the last one of our list of 20 cute ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant…if you and your husband love to play games, have a game night where you play charades or Pictionary. Act out or draw the message any way you would like that you are expecting a baby.

Your Turn!

Hopefully, these 20 cute ideas for telling your husband that you are pregnant have inspired you. What other ideas can you come up with?

We here at Focus on the Family are praying over you and your growing family. Be sure to read through our parenting articles and take the parenting assessment to learn and grow as parents.

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