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A Parent’s Book of Prayers: Daily Devotions

I hope these prayers lead you to pray for your child on a number of topics you might not have considered before.

No one can pray for your child better than you can. No one knows their tendencies, habits, strengths, weaknesses . . . in short, no one knows their heart like you do. I believe the more specific we pray, the more specific we see our God respond.

I’m so grateful for the times when praying with others, their words have helped me speak what was already on my heart to say but I hadn’t yet found a way to articulate.

In writing these prayers, in my mind’s eye, I pictured myself sitting one-on-one with a wide number of family members, friends from church, friends from work, my own children, and even strangers. I hope these prayers lead you to pray for your child on a number of topics you might not have considered before. I hope they will lead you to lift them up with a degree of regularity you may not have before.

If these prayers have any value, at best they are simply jump starters. If on some days you find yourself only a sentence or two in and then you’re off to the races on your own praying for your child—success!

Thank you for allowing me the privilege of partnering with you in the holy pursuit of bringing your child before the throne of heaven.

May God be greatly glorified through the raising up of a godly generation.

Family Devotion: Gratitude

Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him.  – Psalm 127:3

My God, I will never forget that moment when I first looked into the face of my precious child. It was the end of a long journey of wild anticipation. It was the beginning of another journey that is quite possibly the deepest, richest, most trying, and most rewarding one of my life.

Still today Father, as I consider Your goodness to me, I am overwhelmed with gratitude at the privilege of simply getting to be a parent. And with this great blessing comes great responsibility. I do not take it lightly.

Just as my child cries out when there is a need, hear me in this moment crying out that I need You. I need Your wisdom, I need Your strength, I need Your guidance. Also, I want to be excellent at being a parent for my child. I realize my weakness, my inadequacy . . . and most of all, my need for You.

Will You fill me, guide me, use me, lead me today? Amen.

Family Devotion: Wisdom

How happy is the man who does not follow the advice of the wicked or take the path of sinners or join a group of mockers. – Psalm 1:1

Deliverer, As my children’s world expands, there will more and more acquaintances that as a parent I might consider “bad influences.” Some of these will be what Your Word would call fools. I ask in those moments of first encounter that Your Spirit would be active in my children’s hearts.

The wisest thing for them would be simply not to let themselves be engaged by the unwise. May they certainly not linger in these relationships.

May they know Your Spirit’s leading, and may they heed Your voice telling them to simply walk away.


Family Devotion: Identity

My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began. – Psalm 139:15–16

One and Only God, You have formed no one else in all of history who is exactly like my children. Bless You God of inexhaustible creativity!

In a world where there is such pressure to conform to whatever is current, would You have my children to be at peace with being who they uniquely are? May this be a strength that allows them to pursue their individual passions and dreams. May they be victorious over the temptations to compare themselves to others.

Would You help my children have courage to pursue the path in life You uniquely offer to them? May they find it a joy and an adventure to be an original.

Tony Wood is a multiple Gospel Music Association DOVE AWARD winner as well as nominee for Songwriter of the Year. He and his wife Terri are the parents of four daughters. Learn more at


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